The choice of the braces is determined by the doctor’s recommendation and the patient’s consent.

The choice of the braces is determined by the doctor’s recommendation and the patient’s consent.

The choice of the braces is determined by the doctor’s recommendation and the patient’s consent. Reporting from one of the medicalnewstoday articles, in the United States the use of braces usually starts at the age of 12 or 13 years. But older people can also use it.

It’s just that, in adults it takes longer than adolescent stirrup users. Generally, someone can feel the benefits of braces after using them from 18 to 22 months, depending on the severity of the dental malocclusion.

Not only have to wait patiently for the results, braces users must also know about the risks that may occur while wearing these braces. What are the risks? Resource Good Doctor 

Before experiencing the benefits of braces, you need to know the risks

Even though it is relatively safe, there are still some risks that may occur when you use braces. Risks are divided into two, namely the short term and the long term. The choice of the braces is determined by the doctor’s recommendation and the patient’s consent.

Short term risk

Braces create small spaces around the teeth that can trap food debris and increase plaque deposits. You must be diligent in cleaning your teeth, otherwise, you may experience:

  • Loss of minerals on the outer enamel surface of the teeth, which causes stains to appear on the teeth.
  • Tooth decay, including cavities and gum disease.

Long term risk

The use of braces or braces can also cause long-term risks such as:

  • The movement of the teeth when using the stirrup can cause the teeth to become less stable. But in general, this does not cause crucial problems.
  • Failure to correct tooth shape. If you do not follow the doctor’s instructions, it could be that the location of the teeth does not show maximum results. Especially if the patient is reluctant to take care after removing the wire.
  • The doctor will provide a retainer or a device that keeps the shape of the teeth, to use after removing the stirrup. Lazy to use the retainer to cause the tooth to fall apart again

don’t forget to read another blog “Don’t Just Use Braces, You Must Know the 5 Benefits of Braces Below

Beautiful teeth give you a charming smile

Beautiful teeth give you a charming smile

Beautiful teeth give you a charming smile – The smile is the main part of the facial expression. Smiling can be done spontaneously, although sometimes a little forced. So, in order for our smiles to be perfect, healthy and charming, there are some main rules that must be followed. Bad speech by pulling the muscles at the corners of the mouth.

Quoted from That in the process of smiling and laughing, teeth are visible objects to those who see us. The yellowish-white color contrasts with the other colors of someone’s face. So how do you get a charming smile with beautiful teeth? This is inseparable from the bite and curvature of the teeth that the teeth have between the upper and lower jaws covering the condition

Smiling and laughing are the body’s natural responses to stimuli received by our sensory system. after the brain receives the signal and processes and orders the motor muscle movements of the body to respond. The muscles of the face move, the corners of the lips move upwards, followed by the appearance of teeth due to the open mouth or just a smile. Anatomically, the movement of the smiling lips forms an upward curving curve supported by the position of the teeth in our oral cavity.

In the process of smiling and laughing, teeth are visible objects for those who see us. The yellowish-white color contrasts with the other colors of someone’s face. So how do you get a charming smile with beautiful teeth? This is inseparable from the occlusion and curvature of the teeth that the teeth have between the upper and lower jaws, including the condition of the jaw (inter-arch) and jaw (intra-arch) although the definition is more often associated with the condition between the two jaws. The maxillary or maxillary jaw is static because the bony structure is attached to the skull bone, while the lower jaw is dynamic because it has a temporomandibular joint, allowing it to perform different directions of movement. this movement is what happens when we talk, open our mouths and laugh out loud. Beautiful teeth give you a charming smile

Occlusion between the good jaws according to dentistry, view of the position of the maxillary and mandibular molars, there are three types of occlusion proposed by Angle, namely the normal neutro-occlusion where the peak of the first protrusion is on the side of the lesions. first upper molars (mesiobuccal cusp M1) how many in the valley of the lower first molars (oral groove M1); disto-occlusion in which the upper jaw seems more advanced with the peak of the dorsal protrusion of the upper first molars (disto buccal cusp M1) in the valley of the lower first molars (oral groove M1); and mesio occlusion is a more advanced mandibular condition with the apex of the front protrusion of the upper first molars (mesiobuccal cusp M1) between the first and second molars (interdental M1 and M2). By evaluating this occlusion relationship, one can simply see whether a person has a good occlusion or a deviated occlusion. The examination can be continued by looking at the position of the jaw connection, namely the angular tracing on the x-rays, to see if the abnormality is from the position of our skull bones or from the position of the teeth alone.

In occlusion, the teeth were also seen in the arrangement of the same jaw. Displacement or rotation of teeth often occurs, usually due to imperfections caused by the extracted tooth or a hole in the side of the tooth causing movement. It is also necessary to check the direction of growth of wisdom teeth at the age of 18-21 as they tend to grow sideways which pushes the other teeth so that the arrangement of the dental arch becomes messy. In cases where the classification of the occlusion is normal, with a slightly irregular arrangement of the teeth, the treatment is not too difficult, using only loose braces. In patients diagnosed with occlusion deviations, or in patients diagnosed with occlusion irregularities, or in normal occlusion but the alignment of the teeth requires quite difficult maintenance, a printed orthodontic appliance is used (braces).

Maintaining and improving the occlusal relationship and the arrangement of the teeth will result in a better position of the teeth. Of course, this can add to the aesthetic value of a person, but not only looking at the relationship, the teeth must also be in optimal health. Maintaining optimal dental health will prevent the teeth from becoming cavities and having the correct color. Here are some tips that can be done to maintain the health and appearance of teeth.

1. Brush your teeth at most twice a day, especially in the evening before going to bed

The process of brushing teeth is essential for maintaining healthy teeth and mouth. Choose a toothbrush that is not too hard so as not to irritate the soft tissues of the oral cavity. Brushing your teeth will clean the surface of your teeth, debris and dental plaque, which can reduce bacterial colonization. The process of demineralization of the tooth surface by bacteria, because a lot of debris and sugar as substances necessary for bacteria cause cavities. The night before going to bed, brush your teeth as the time spent sleeping saliva is reduced (circadian rhythm) so that the self-cleaning effect is also minimal. Keeping teeth clean is an optimal step in maintaining dental health.

2. Use dental floss to clean the interdental area

Dental floss can be used to clean between teeth so that any stuck food can be lifted into the teeth with a clutter. cleaning the internal tooth area is also good for keeping the gums free from inflammatory reactions. Like plaque or stuck dirt is a foreign object that can cause inflammation of the gum tissue which is reddish and bleeds easily.

3. Drink plenty of water and eat fibrous foods Drinking water and consuming fibrous foods increases the water content of the body

Saliva that is not too thick will give a better cleaning effect on teeth and oral cavity. Drink water after consuming thick drinks such as milk, coffee, and tea. Coffee and tea contain dyes that can cause teeth to turn yellow, and drinking water can reduce this effect.

4. Check-up at the dentist

Be diligent in seeing the dentist at least every 6 months. under certain conditions, food waste can mineralize to form tartar (tartar). Tartar cannot be cleaned with the usual cleaning process but requires tools belonging to dentists

5. Stay confident and smile

The connection of the teeth can be improved, for example by using orthodontic tools, and the condition of the teeth can be treated by maintaining the health of the oral cavity. but the most important thing is to stay confident and love yourself the best you can. Beautiful teeth give you a charming smile


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A Panic Moment: Orthodontic Treatment Relapse!

Self Healing Teeth- Is It Possible??

Self Healing Teeth- Is It Possible??

Self Healing Teeth – Is It Possible?

Is Possible to get Self Healing Teeth You might be said ‘What!?’ after you read the title. I was said it’s impossible! Well, close to impossible till I found myself through some research on the internet, it happened! Let’s talk about it. In the dentistry world, a filling is one of the most common procedures but the Anaesthetic injections followed by drill sound always been a big worry for patients. Would be great if there’s any treatment without drill and anaesthetic. This is the reason for this finding.

What actually happened in dental caries or cavities?

The process involved in dental caries called demineralization. This process makes tooth weaker and porous since bacteria produce acid that pulls out the minerals from your tooth. When you not caught it early and get a filling, it results in dental caries and this cavity gets bigger by time. Unfortunately, it’s not really good news at all after filling. The bad news after the filling is the process will continue into a cycle. Repaired and replaced for the rest of the tooth’s life until it gets endodontic treatment and so on.

So, we need a reverse process!

It called by remineralization where minerals which present in saliva and some foods enter the tooth enamel to make it stronger and denser. The natural process of remineralization looks at times, thus Reminova’s prototype device speeds up this process to the same amount of time it would take to have filling. Others advantage are painless, no injection and no drilling. It’s good news for patients, especially children. Yes! This product’s main market will be children and teenagers though adults and the elderly can also have this kind of treatment.

The new technology developed by British scientists based in the Scottish city of Perth, Reminova say their patented technology named EAER (Electrically Assisted Enhanced Remineralization). The mineral ions are pushed by the electrical field to the deepest parts of the lesson creating the right conditions for the minerals to precipitate and become part of the solid enamel structure, and causing the lesion to fill from the deepest part upwards. EAER will be marketed in 3 years.

Its amazed how dental technology develop, isn’t it? Maybe in future, there will be the same technology as this to healing gingival recession. Self Healing Gingival Recession.

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Dental device promises pain-free tooth repair


One Visit Veneer ? Why Not ?

One Visit Veneer ? Why Not ?

Are you looking for another cheaper and faster veneer option? A composite direct veneer is an answer. Today’s composite materials can provide a life-like, beautiful appearance that is conservative of tooth structure and can last for a long time. These composite layers placed on the tooth and sculpted directly in the mouth to achieve the desired aesthetic the patient looking for. It can be used in situations in which there is chipping, discoloration, and minor misalignment of natural teeth.

Advantages of Direct faster veneer option :
1. Composite direct veneer can be applied in one day, last 4-8 years
2. The cost is less than porcelain veneers – about half price
3. Can be used for a variety of aesthetic situations and results can be amazing.
4. Composite is essentially reinforced plastic with today’s technology it’s much stronger and aesthetic than ever before.
5. It made chairside, therefore accomplished in one visit only
6. Can be repaired

Disadvantages of Direct Veneer :
1. It requires maintenance (they chip).
2. Its last shorter-lasting finish than Porcelain Veneers
3. Not as stain-resistant or color stable as porcelain
4. Need an adequate removed amount of tooth structure to allow placement of composite resins in the desired shape without added tooth bulk.

Composite veneer therapy is an art, ask to see some of your doctor’s work and make sure you feel comfortable with the doctor since it involves extreme attention to detail.

To improve the durability and longevity of veneers you need to maintain consistent good oral hygiene and have regular dental examinations and cleanings at least twice a year. In addition, you must avoid using them to bite or crack hard objects like nuts and ice.

So, you have your choices of veneers now. Have your new smile NOW.

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