Don’t Just Use Braces, You Must Know the 5 Benefits of Braces Below

Don’t Just Use Braces, You Must Know the 5 Benefits of Braces Below

Quoted from – The trend of using braces or stirrups still persists today. Unfortunately, there are some people who use them because they want to look up to date and look glamorous, without knowing the true benefits of braces.

Even though its use is also not playing games, you know. Because dental placement has the aim of supporting your oral health condition and the neatness of your teeth.

Here is an explanation of the benefits of using braces or braces from the medical side below:

5 benefits of braces that you need to know before using them Braces are one of the tools used by orthodontists to straighten teeth.

You also need to know that orthodontists are different from regular dentists. Orthodontists are dentists who have specialized in orthodontics.

Orthodontics itself is a field that studies the aesthetics of the position of the teeth, jaw, and face. 

An orthodontist will usually advise his patients to use braces if needed to straighten the teeth, in order to get benefits such as:

Increase self-confidence

Orthodontists will advise their patients to straighten their teeth if they have tooth malocclusions that affect the shape of the face and the appearance of the teeth. Dental malocclusion itself is a condition where the jawbones and teeth are misaligned or messy.

These messy teeth can usually affect a person’s appearance and make him feel insecure. This condition is often called loose teeth. Not only tongues, but overlapping and crooked teeth are also included in tooth malocclusion.

Maintain cleanliness of teeth and mouth

The uses of braces are also closely related to oral and dental hygiene. The doctor will usually check the condition of the teeth that need straightening. 

If there is severe malocclusion of teeth, braces are usually recommended.

The reason is, in addition to improving the appearance of the face and beautifying the smile, straightening of the teeth is needed to make teeth easier to clean. A tooth that is not tidy will be more difficult to clean, so the risk of plaque buildup or tartar is higher than for those with neat teeth.

Protect and maintain healthy teeth

Continuing from the points above, teeth need to be trimmed to make them easier to clean and to prevent plaque buildup. Because dental plaque has accumulated and is allowed to become tartar. This can lead to tooth decay and lead to gum disease.

One of the diseases that can arise due to plaque buildup is periodontitis. Periodontitis, a gum infection that damages the tissue around the teeth, will cause various symptoms such as pain when chewing, swelling of the gums, and bleeding gums.

Align the jaw position

Unkempt teeth can lead to misalignment of the jaw. This condition will usually make a person have difficulty biting or chewing. That is why it is necessary to make efforts to straighten teeth, one of which is using braces.

With neat teeth, the jaw is aligned, it will increase the ability to bite. This will reduce the risk of digestive problems due to the chewing process that is not optimal.

Improve the way of speaking

In some cases, severe dental malocclusion can affect how a person speaks. This condition will usually affect a person’s level of self-confidence. That is why the benefits of braces are needed to restore a normal-sounding way of speaking.

Although dental malocclusion is not a dangerous disease, it affects some basic activities of daily activities and feels important to be corrected.

As additional information, you also need to know that braces or braces are not the only tools orthodontists commonly use to treat dental malocclusion. There are several other tools such as lingual braces (such as braces attached to the inside of the teeth), aligners, and also Invisalign.

See to another blog Beautiful teeth give you a charming smile

well that’s it 5 benefits of braces that you need to know before using them. Braces are one of the tools used by orthodontists to straighten teeth.