Whitening Toothpaste is Really Effective to Whiten Teeth?

Whitening Toothpaste is Really Effective to Whiten Teeth?

Whitening Toothpaste is Really Effective to Whiten Teeth – Do yellow teeth make you feel uncomfortable and you are weird about it? Don’t worry. There are many ways to whiten teeth that you can try. Apart from going to the dentist, brushing your teeth with whitening toothpaste can be the cheapest way. They say this toothpaste is effective for whitening teeth in an instant, hassle-free. Is that true or fake ? Find it here if whitening toothpaste is really effective or not.

Should you use whitening toothpaste to whiten teeth?

Basically, any toothpaste that is currently over-the-counter on the market can help remove stains on your teeth from consuming tea, coffee, or smoking. This is because there are abrasive substances such as silica, calcium, alumina, calcium carbonate, and calcium phosphate contained in toothpaste.

However, especially for toothpaste that contains whitening agents, the abrasive content in it is stronger. It is more effective at removing stains than regular toothpaste that is often used.

There are many over-the-counter teeth whitening products, many of which contain carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide which can lighten dull teeth to a degree whiter than usual.

Some whitening toothpastes also contain chemicals such as blue covarine. It provides a brightening effect that makes your teeth appear whiter and shinier. You can brush your teeth with whitening toothpaste twice a day and not too often because it is not good for dental health.

It’s does not change the original color of the teeth

When used regularly twice a day, whitening toothpaste is effective at disguising tooth surface stains in the next two to six weeks. And if you use a toothpaste that contains blue covarine, the effect will be visible immediately after you brush your teeth with it.

However, it is important to understand that toothpaste containing whitening will not change the original color of your teeth. Not does it remove stains that have penetrated and are left in the deepest part of the tooth surface. This toothpaste is only able to disguise tooth stains on the outer surface of the teeth, aka tooth enamel. 

The tooth has many layers that can change color for many reasons and many other factors. The outer layer of the teeth can change color due to the food and drinks you consume daily. The innermost layer of the tooth, which is called dentin, will naturally turn yellow with age.

Among the newest whitening products available are whitening rinses. Like most mouthwashes, they freshen breath and help reduce dental plaque and gum disease. But these products also include ingredients, such as hydrogen peroxide in some, which whiten teeth. Manufacturers say it may take 12 weeks to see results. You just swish them around in your mouth for 60 seconds twice a day before brushing your teeth. However, some experts say that rinses may not be as effective as other over-the-counter whitening products. Because a whitening rinse is only in contact with the teeth for such a short time, just two minutes a day compared to 30 minutes for many strips, it may have less of an effect.

Watch for side effects of whitening toothpaste

Although whitening toothpaste can effectively help disguise stains on your teeth, you should be careful when using whitening toothpaste. If used for a long time, toothpaste can cause tooth enamel damage.

A study published in the American Journal Dentist reports that a number of over-the-counter whitening toothpastes can cause tooth enamel erosion if used for a long time and too often.

Unfortunately, this study has only been tested on animals and has not been tested on human teeth, so further research is still needed to ascertain the effect of toothpaste containing whitening on human tooth decay.

If you want to use whitening toothpaste, look for a product that has the seal of a reputable, trusted organization, such as the American Dental Association. This seal shows that the toothpaste you use will be safe and effective in removing stains on your teeth.

However, it’s even better if you also consult a dentist before using a whitening toothbrush or other teeth whitening product to avoid unwanted things.

Maybe that is it the articles about Whitening Toothpaste is Really Effective to Whiten Teeth. Be careful when using teeth whitening products, use them sparingly if needed and don’t over use it. Hope this article help you a lot, you can also read other articles in this website that can help you find about dental health. Thank you.

Also Read Tips For Relieving Toothache Due to Braces

References :

Dental Crown Tips, Before And After You Using It

Dental Crown Tips, Before And After You Using It

Dental Crown Tips – Dental crowns are a kind of “flap” that are commonly placed on teeth for a variety of reasons. Usually this tool is used to help restore tooth shape, support a tooth bridge, protect a tooth that was once filled, or to prevent discoloration of the tooth. Like crowns, dental crowns function to improve appearance and protect teeth from further damage.
The structure of the teeth is very strong if cared for very well. Usually, teeth take a very long time to be broken. However, some conditions can lead to tooth decay or breakage, such as a badly damaged tooth or an injury that can result in a tooth fracture.
However, there are some problems that can arise from wearing dental crowns, most of which can be prevented by applying these dental crown tips.

1. Choosing the Right Materials

Before installing a dental crown, it’s a good idea to consider and choose the right materials so that later mistakes do not occur.

a. Checking Color

Before deciding to use a permanent dental crown, the dentist will definitely check and match the color of the crown with the teeth so that it looks natural. Your doctor should consult with you to get your approval of the choice. Use a mirror to look at the mouth around the teeth and assess their similarity in color. Do not hesitate to refuse the choice of a dentist if you do not agree with the doctor’s wishes, this is your mouth and you have the right to be satisfied with the appearance of the crown that you want to choose.

b. Always Check the Shape of the Crown

Next is to make sure the shape of the tooth crown is correct. A crown that is precisely the shape of the tooth will touch the tooth on both sides so that no food is stuck in the area. A dental crown that is not properly made allows food to get stuck in the crevices of the teeth. A crown that is too large can cause jaw trauma from biting the adjacent tooth. This trauma can progress to pulpitis.

c. Choose Strong Cement

Your crown can come off as a result of using weak cement. With a new crown, the cement tends to feel strong, but the old crown is more likely to come off as the cement has weakened.

d. Avoid Using Porcelain Dental Crowns

Porcelain is generally very brittle, and porcelain dental crowns come off more easily than metal-based ones. Choose a zirconia metal crown that is stronger and should be tiled so that it looks like natural teeth.

2. Eat the Right Way

After you put on a dental crown, the next tip is to pay attention to the right food and not to eat just anywhere.
Avoid These Foods.

a. You should not eat foods that have a hard and sticky texture.

Examples of solid foods include raw vegetables, candies that can break a tooth crown. Examples of sticky foods include caramel or sticky rice.

b. Be careful with cold food or drinks

Particularly with metal crowns, you may experience a little pain or sensitivity in your teeth after inserting the crown. This sensitivity is usually felt in the gum line.

c. Chew Slowly

Dental crowns can be pressure sensitive. So you have to chew, do it slowly and gently. If you experience pain, even if it’s mild, stop chewing and eat less so it doesn’t get worse.

3. Tips Perawatan Lainnya

Gigi mahkota yang dipasang rata-rata dapat bertahan 10–20 tahun. Kualitas mahkota gigi sangat mahal pada cara perawatan kesehatan gigi. Hal-hal yang disarankan oleh dokter gigi ketika crown gigi baru dipasang adalah:

  • Jaga kebersihan gigi dengan menggosok gigi secara teratur serta gunakan benang gigi atau obat kumur.
  • Hati-hati saat sikat gigi dan flossing. Ketika flossing, hindari yang menarik benang ke atas karena dapat melepaskan crown gigi.
  • Kebiasaan yang dapat merusak gigi, seperti mengunyah es batu, menggigit kuku jari, atau membuka kemasan makanan dengan gigi.

References :

How to maintain dental and oral health and its benefits

How to maintain dental and oral health and its benefits

Benefits of Maintaining Dental and Oral Health – Troubled teeth and mouth can cause serious complications, not only teeth and mouth but also throughout the body. Therefore, it is important that you always maintain the health of teeth and mouth so that the overall health of the body is also maintained.

The mouth is the gateway to the health of the body. If the mouth is unhealthy, the body can be unhealthy. Likewise, when the body is unhealthy, it is not uncommon for symptoms to see in the mouth. Some diseases of the body are associated with dental and oral health. Heart and lung diseases, for example. People with dental and oral diseases are not at risk of cardiovascular disease and pneumonia. Therefore, health and hygiene in the teeth and mouth are important to maintaining.

Here are some ways to maintain healthy teeth and mouth. Some people think that by brushing their teeth 2 times s a day alone is enough to maintain the health and hygiene of this and mouth. In fact, the reality is not so. Here are some of the ways below are also no less important for you to How to maintain dental and oral health and its benefits apply so that dental and oral health can be maintained to the maximum including:

1. Do not carelessly choose toothpaste and toothbrushes

In addition to brushing your teeth regularly. You are also advised not to origin in choosing toothpaste. Choose toothpaste that contains fluoride. These chemicals are believed to help strengthen and prevent cavities.
In addition, toothbrushes need to be changed every 3-4 months, it is recommended to choose a toothbrush with an oblong and small head and a smooth bristle brush. Toothbrushes like this are more able to reach areas in the corners of the mouth and do not cause gum pain.

2. Clean between teeth with dental floss

Even if you have brushed your teeth, sometimes there is still leftover food in between the teeth that the mouth to reach by the toothbrush. Well to clean it, you can use dental floss.
Routine cleaning of teeth with flossing can reduce the amount of plaque and bacteria that cause cavities. However, do flossing carefully so that your gums do not get hurt and bleed.

3. Don’t Smoke

In addition to being harmful to health, smoking can also cause problems with mouth and teeth, such as bad breath. The buildup of plaque and tartar, as well as discoloration of teeth. Smoking can also increase the risk of gingivitis and oral cancer.
In order to maintain dental and oral health, you should immediately stop this bad habit, you can try to change the habit by chewing gum. Chewing gum, especially nicotine gum, can help you quit smoking.

Not only that, chewing sugar-free gum after each meal can also increase saliva production so that it can help rinse the mouth from food waste and bacteria.

4. Gargle with mouthwash regularly

There are still not many people who regularly snore with mouthwash to maintain health and hygiene of teeth and mouth. In fact, this way is easy to do and has been proven to make teeth and mouth cleaner.

In addition, mouthwash can also help reduce bad breath and make your breath fresher for less than 12 hours.

Benefits of Maintaining Dental and Oral Health
In addition to keeping your teeth and mouth healthy, regularly maintain the health and hygiene of your teeth and mouth can also improve your overall health, both physical and mental health.
Here are the benefits of maintaining dental and oral health for the overall health of the body.

1. Improve brain memory
2. Increase confidence
3. Lower the risk of caddiovascular disease, such as stroke and coronary heart disease.
4. Lower the risk of developing respiratory tract infections, such as pneumonia
5. Lower the risk of the appearance of autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis
6. Lower the risk of pregnant women giving birth prematurely

Maintaining the cleanliness and health of our teeth and mouth is very important to maintain our overall health. So, do not forget to brush your teeth, floss with dental floss, and gargle with mouthwash after eating.

Besides maintaining oral hygiene, you should also pay attention to the cleanliness of the food you consume and the cleanliness of your hands when eating. Free, when your mouth is clean but disease germs enter your body through food or dirty hands?

You are also advised to go to the dentist every 6 months. In addition to checking the health of your teeth and mouth, the dentist can also clean plaque that is located deep and difficult to clean just by brushing your teeth.

Side Effects of Dental Crowns You Mush Know


Dhadse, p., et al (2010). J Indian Soc Periodontal. The Link Between Periodontal Disease and Cardiovascular Disease: How Far We Have Come in Last Two Decades? pp. 148-54.

Zhou, Y., et al (2018). Association Between Oral Health and Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Among Children. 68(2), pp. 122-128.

American Dental Association. Healthy Mouth, Healthy Body.

American Dental Association (2019). Oral Health Topics. Mouthwash (Mouthrinse).

American Dental Association (2019). Oral Health Topics. Toothbrushes.

NHS UK. Chewing Gum Health Scare.

NHS UK (2018). How to Keep Your Teeth Clean.

Stewart, K. Everyday Health (2011). To Mouthwash or Not to Mouthwash?

Family Doctor (2017). Mouth and Teeth: How to Keep Them Healthy.

Cafasso, J. Healthline (2018). What Is Fluoride, and Is It Safe?

Higuera, V. Healthline (2020). What’s the Best Way to Floss Your Teeth?

West, H. Healthline (2016). Chewing Gum: Good or Bad?

Mayo Clinic (2019). Oral Health: A Window to Your Overall Health.

WebMD (2019). The Mouth-Body Connection: 6 Ways Oral Hygiene Helps Keep You Well.

WebMD (2019). Smoking and Oral Health.

Tips For Caring Teeth After Bleaching

Tips For Caring Teeth After Bleaching

Tips For Caring Teeth After Bleaching – Public awareness of appearance continues to increase nowadays, the demand for good dental appearance is also very high. One of the popular dental treatments lately is teeth whitening treatment or what is often called teeth bleaching.

This treatment is a way of restoring the discolored teeth back to the original tooth color through a chemical repair process. Bleaching treatments are widely chosen because the procedure is fast. Apart from that, tooth bleaching is also easy and effective to improve one’s appearance.

Yellowing teeth and dull teeth can cause discomfort. For that reason, not a few people do a variety of ways to whiten teeth as before. One way to do it is by bleaching the teeth.

Tooth bleaching is an action to increase the color of the teeth to be whiter than before. There are various types, including using the chemical substances hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide with various concentrations.

Both of these compounds can help whiten teeth because they can penetrate the tooth layer and break down complex molecules of substances that cause discoloration.

Even though it sounds simple and effective, bleaching has a lot of rules that you must obey. The regulation is divided into two, namely the step before bleaching and the step after bleaching. Let’s look at the explanation here.

Also Read Dental Criteria That Can Use Braces For Maximum Results

Before Bleaching Your Teeth

Before knowing tips for caring teeth after bleaching, it is important that you know what to know if you want to do teeth bleaching.

First Consult to a Dentist

Now there are many types of teeth whitening/bleaching ingredients on the market. For maximum results, you need to consult a dentist first. In general, the dentist will:

  • Helps to decide which type of bleaching is right for you. For example, suppose you want to choose a tooth bleaching procedure that takes 2 weeks. But actually, you are among those who are less diligent and only able to do it for 1 week. The doctor will advise you to choose a procedure that is 1 week only for maximum results.
  • Conduct an in-depth examination of the condition of the teeth so that there are no problems when bleaching the teeth or afterward. For example, are there cavities, drooping gums, or other problems.
  • Explains all procedures, side effects, costs, to your expectations of tooth bleaching. For example, the effect of bleaching cannot whiten dental fillings, crowns, or dental veneers.
  • Provides care to reduce the effects of pain, especially for those of you who have sensitive teeth. Before the bleaching is done, giving high doses of fluoride and using toothpaste for sensitive teeth 2 weeks before can be done.
  • Your dentist can also advise you to use a lower level of teeth whitening agents.
  • Repairing teeth that need maintenance. If you want to whiten your teeth, there should be no tartar buildup and gingivitis that causes bleeding gums. Tooth with a cavity also needs to be filled first.

After Bleaching Your Teeth

Now, after you’ve finished bleaching your teeth, here are tips that you can apply to protect your teeth after bleaching. Usually, the dentist will recommend that you do the following. 

To Overcome Pain

One of the side effects of tooth bleaching that may occur is tooth sensitivity or pain. This is actually normal. To overcome this, usually dentists will recommend home treatment by giving calcium paste containing CPP-ACP and using a special toothpaste for sensitive teeth.

Avoid Colored Foods or Drinks

During the first few days of the procedure, the dentist will recommend avoiding drinks that can stain and are acidic. For example, red wine, coffee, tea, soda, orange juice, soy sauce, and chocolate.

In the first few days, the pores of the teeth are still open and the chemical process of tooth bleaching is still ongoing (usually up to 2×24 hours).

At that time, the pores of the teeth are open so that the absorption of stains can occur faster than usual, which makes the teeth turn yellow again. To work around this, you can drink using a straw.

Remember, the results of teeth whitening are not permanent. Depending on your diet and habits, white teeth will last 6 months to 2 years.

Avoid Cold Drinks

After doing the bleaching procedure, you should avoid consuming cold drinks because your teeth will become more sensitive. Cold drinks can trigger toothache.

Avoid smoking

Patients are advised not to smoke after the bleaching procedure. This is because harmful substances in cigarettes can cause the appearance of teeth to become dull again, and trigger tooth decay and other members of the oral cavity.

Maintaining Tooth Color So It Does Not Fade

Bleached teeth usually last up to 2 years, but start to fade after 3 months. That’s why, do “maintenance” so that the color remains bright.

There’s it about Tips For Caring Teeth After Bleaching. Treatment can be done with whitening which is done at home once every 6 months, of course, under the supervision of a dentist. Tooth bleaching is indeed one solution for those of you who want a white and bright color

References : 

Side Effects of Dental Crowns You Must Know

Side Effects of Dental Crowns You Must Know

Side Effects of Dental CrownsDental crowns are useful for restoring the shape, size and strength of teeth. In addition, dental crowns improve appearance and protect teeth from decay. Even though the benefits are so varied, the installation of dental crowns is also not free from the emergence of side effects. Preparing and placing a dental crown can relieve many uncomfortable symptoms, but this procedure may have temporary side effects. This article will tell you about dental crowns and side effects of Dental Crowns.

Also Read Tips For Relieving Toothache Due to Braces

What are Dental Crowns ?

Based on Clevelandclinic, Dental crowns are tooth-shaped “caps” that can be placed over your tooth. Think of it like a snug hat for your tooth. The crown restores the tooth’s shape, size, strength and appearance.

The dental crowns is cemented into place on your tooth and it covers the visible portion of the tooth.

Over time, your teeth can get damaged. This can happen for a variety of reasons, like tooth decay, injuries or just use over time. Your teeth can lose their shape or size. 

Why would I need a dental crown?

You may need a dental crown for several reasons, including:

  • Protecting a weak tooth (possibly from decay) from breaking or to keep the weak tooth together if parts of it are cracked.
  • Restoring a broken tooth or a severely worn down tooth.
  • Covering and supporting a tooth with a large filling and not much tooth remaining.
  • Holding a dental bridge in place.
  • Covering misshapen or severely discolored teeth.
  • Covering a dental implant and a tooth that’s been treated with a root canal.

Side Effects of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns function as sheaths that cover the entire surface of natural teeth. Oftentimes, these tools also need to be in direct contact with the gums in order to be able to provide stronger support for the natural teeth.

Given its position so close to the tissue around sensitive teeth, here are a list of risks that can occur:

1. Teeth Become More Sensitive

This is the most common side effect of fitting a dental crown. Especially if the tooth that has just been fitted with a crown still has complete nerves.

Teeth can be very sensitive to hot, cold, and certain foods.

If the tooth feels uncomfortable or painful when biting, it could be because the crown is placed too high.

Try to consult a doctor to solve this problem. Doctors can perform certain procedures to correct the position of the dental crown.

2. Dental Crowns Can Be Loose

Over time, the adhesive material for dental crowns can gradually erode. This not only makes the crown loose, but also allows bacteria to enter and causes the tooth to decay.

As a result, the crown is no longer firmly attached to the natural tooth.

Another possible side effect is the removal of the crown from the natural tooth. The reason could be because the crown is not attached properly or the adhesive is not strong enough.

Doctors can usually put the crown back on easily. However, if the crown or natural tooth has been damaged, the doctor will need to make a new crown.

3. Dental Crowns Broken

Crowns are made by porcelain can break under a lot of pressure.

Pressure can come from biting your nails and hard objects, eating hard foods, opening food packages with your teeth, or other behavior that damages your teeth.

Cracks or small fractures in the dental crown can still be repaired by attaching a resin composite material.

While the damage is severe, the doctor may need to reshape the dental crown or replace it with a new one.

4. Allergic Reactions

Dental crowns have parts made of various metals.

For people who are allergic to metal or porcelain, placing dental crowns can actually trigger an allergic reaction. This side effect is rare, but crown users still need to be vigilant.

Reporting from the Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research, symptoms of allergy to dental crowns include:

  • Burning sensation in the mouth or gums
  • Gingival hyperplasia, which is an overgrowth of gum tissue
  • The tongue is numb
  • Inflammation of the mouth of the lips
  • Rash around the mouth
  • Muscle and joint pain and impaired heart function in people allergic to titanium metal

5. Gum Problems

Crown owners are more at risk of developing gingivitis.

This disease is characterized by inflammation of the gums so that the gums appear reddish and bleed easily. To prevent this, you need to make efforts to maintain oral hygiene every day.

If left untreated, gingivitis can get worse and cause the gums to pull from the dental crowns.

This side effect will affect appearance because the crown appears to be separated from the gum that supports it.

Crowns can restore tooth shape and protect it from decay, but they cannot ward off tooth decay or gum disease.

Therefore, you should always keep your teeth clean by brushing them 2 times a day.

After brushing your teeth, clean the crevices using dental floss.

Focus on the gaps where the crowns meet with the gums to remove any remaining food. Don’t forget, rinse your mouth with an antiseptic solution at least once a day.

Source : 

Tips For Relieving Toothache Due to Braces

Tips For Relieving Toothache Due to Braces

Tips For Relieving Toothache Due to Braces – Do you feel pain when you put your braces on? Getting pain after using dental braces is a natural thing. Because, the pressure on your teeth is increasing and firmer than before. In addition, the factors vary according to age, stress level, and gender.

Literally, this pain will naturally go away without any action. This is not something dangerous. Gradually you will get used to this pressure, the pain will disappear, and you can chew as usual.

However, if you really can’t stand up with the pain, you can see and do a few tips for relieving toothache due to braces below to reduce the pain.

Also Read Don’t Just Use Braces, You Must Know the 5 Benefits of Braces Below

1. Eat Foods That Have a Soft Texture

The worst pain caused by braces usually occurs within the first 24-72 hours of placing the braces. During the first few days, eat very soft foods that don’t need to be chewed a lot until you are more accustomed to eating with braces.

Examples of soft foods that you can choose from Indonesia are commonly like porridge, team rice, boiled potatoes, eggs, fish meat, macaroni, yogurt, smoothies, pudding, and others.

Avoid hard foods such as crackers, fried foods, hard fruit like apples, and firm snacks. Also avoid sticky foods such as candy, this will make you even more uncomfortable because it can stick to the braces or teeth.

2. Choose Cold or Frozen Foods

Drinking cold water is a practical way to relieve the discomfort you feel after tightening the braces. The cold temperature gives a sensation like numbness around the mouth.

The cold temperature also helps reduce inflammation of the gums that are sore. In addition, ice cream can also relieve mouth pain because it is numbing.

3. Stay Away From Foods and Drinks That Contain Sour

Sour drinks and foods can irritate any sores in your mouth. This can encourage bacteria to multiply more rapidly around the braces.

Therefore, reduce sour foods and drinks such as oranges and strawberries or lime juice after tightening the braces at the dentist.

4. Try to Consume Medicine to Relieve Pain

When the pain can no longer show, take pain relievers. You can try taking pain medication an hour before you get your braces in place at the doctor. This will reduce the achiness and discomfort you will feel after you tighten the braces.

Pain relievers are usually available over the counter at pharmacies, but are prescribed to follow the instructions for use on the drug label. It is not recommended to take long-term pain relievers due to overuse

5. Gargle With Salt Water

Braces usually cause sores on the inner cheeks, lips, and gums. This is what makes you even more uncomfortable. To reduce it, you can rinse your mouth with salt water to soothe a sore mouth.

Salt water can soothe your mouth and treat any sores that may result from braces rubbing against the inside of your cheeks.

The method is very easy, namely by mixing a teaspoon of salt with a glass of warm water until it dissolves.

Then gargle with this solution. You can gargle several times a day, then gargle with plain water. Remember, don’t swallow the water.

6. Compress With Warm Water

If the jaw still hurts after trying the various methods above, this one method can be a lifesaver. Compress the affected area with a cloth dampened in hot water. Place it against the sore cheek, chin, or jaw.

Compress and press gently. Warm compress for a few minutes until the pain subsides a little.

Those were some tips for relieve toothache due to braces. I hope this article is useful. See you later..

Reference :

Dental Criteria That Can Use Braces For Maximum Results

Dental Criteria That Can Use Braces For Maximum Results

Dental Criteria That Can Use Braces – Braces are commonly used to straighten teeth that aren’t in alignment. To keep their teeth looking tidy, many people put on braces and hope that their teeth can look tidier and aligned.

Quoted from Carefreedental, many teenagers also dread being told that they need dental braces and some refuse to wear them altogether. While modern braces are a lot less conspicuous than some of the older products, they are still visible and they can cause problems for self-conscious teens. So, avoid the drama and keep a close eye on your child’s dental health. Visit the dentist regularly and any signs of trouble will be treated before they become a major problem.

But before that, you must know about dental criteria that can use braces :

1. Crooked teeth

Crooked teeth that make the mouth difficult to squeeze, crooked teeth that make the gums and mouth bleed, or crooked teeth that make there a large cavity between the teeth. That does have to be fixed using braces.

2. Incisors that grow outward

Tom Cruise is one of the artists who put braces to improve the shape of the incisors that grow out. Even though the teeth are now back in line, the composition of the teeth as a whole is still crooked.

Do not believe in that? Try to see him smiling broadly. The front incisors are not symmetrical with the midline on the face. But, that inclusion actually makes her smile even more seductive for girls.

3. Your teeth are too loose

Tooth loose like the teeth of the British is actually not a big problem. This condition occurs because the difference in the size of the jaw is large and the size of the teeth is relatively smaller than it should be.

For example, tooth loss really creates a crisis of self-confidence, worries about loose teeth, or even difficulty chewing, so the braces are important.

4. Your jaw isn’t symmetrical

Upper or lower teeth that are more advanced than the rest are usually accompanied by symmetrical discrepancies in the jaw. Not a condition to worry about because not everyone has a symmetrical jaw.

However, it needs to be rearranged with the installation of stirrups when this condition makes it difficult for someone to close their lips, talk, bite, and chew.

5. Your teeth can’t “bite”

Medically, the perfection of the bite can be checked with a simple test at the dentist. You will be asked to bite into a tracing sheet. From there, the dentist determines whether your bite is perfect or lopsided.

Even teeth that look neat are advised to put stirrups, for example this simple test shows the balance between the bite pressure at one point and another. If you leave it, it can affect the shape of the jaw and sometimes cause headaches.

Also Read Don’t Just Use Braces, You Must Know the 5 Benefits of Braces Below

Are There Alternatives to Braces?

Metal braces, ceramic braces, and invisible braces are the most common types of teeth straightening treatments. The only real alternative to orthodontic braces is teeth straightening surgery.

This surgery can be a minor procedure to change the way your teeth are aligned in your mouth. It can also be a more serious process whereby your jaw is surgically realigned to better accommodate speaking and chewing.

So that was the discussion about the dental criteria for teeth that can use braces, I hope this information is useful for all of you.

The choice of the braces is determined by the doctor’s recommendation and the patient’s consent.

The choice of the braces is determined by the doctor’s recommendation and the patient’s consent.

The choice of the braces is determined by the doctor’s recommendation and the patient’s consent. Reporting from one of the medicalnewstoday articles, in the United States the use of braces usually starts at the age of 12 or 13 years. But older people can also use it.

It’s just that, in adults it takes longer than adolescent stirrup users. Generally, someone can feel the benefits of braces after using them from 18 to 22 months, depending on the severity of the dental malocclusion.

Not only have to wait patiently for the results, braces users must also know about the risks that may occur while wearing these braces. What are the risks? Resource Good Doctor 

Before experiencing the benefits of braces, you need to know the risks

Even though it is relatively safe, there are still some risks that may occur when you use braces. Risks are divided into two, namely the short term and the long term. The choice of the braces is determined by the doctor’s recommendation and the patient’s consent.

Short term risk

Braces create small spaces around the teeth that can trap food debris and increase plaque deposits. You must be diligent in cleaning your teeth, otherwise, you may experience:

  • Loss of minerals on the outer enamel surface of the teeth, which causes stains to appear on the teeth.
  • Tooth decay, including cavities and gum disease.

Long term risk

The use of braces or braces can also cause long-term risks such as:

  • The movement of the teeth when using the stirrup can cause the teeth to become less stable. But in general, this does not cause crucial problems.
  • Failure to correct tooth shape. If you do not follow the doctor’s instructions, it could be that the location of the teeth does not show maximum results. Especially if the patient is reluctant to take care after removing the wire.
  • The doctor will provide a retainer or a device that keeps the shape of the teeth, to use after removing the stirrup. Lazy to use the retainer to cause the tooth to fall apart again

don’t forget to read another blog “Don’t Just Use Braces, You Must Know the 5 Benefits of Braces Below

Don’t Just Use Braces, You Must Know the 5 Benefits of Braces Below

Don’t Just Use Braces, You Must Know the 5 Benefits of Braces Below

Quoted from Gooddoctor.co.id – The trend of using braces or stirrups still persists today. Unfortunately, there are some people who use them because they want to look up to date and look glamorous, without knowing the true benefits of braces.

Even though its use is also not playing games, you know. Because dental placement has the aim of supporting your oral health condition and the neatness of your teeth.

Here is an explanation of the benefits of using braces or braces from the medical side below:

5 benefits of braces that you need to know before using them Braces are one of the tools used by orthodontists to straighten teeth.

You also need to know that orthodontists are different from regular dentists. Orthodontists are dentists who have specialized in orthodontics.

Orthodontics itself is a field that studies the aesthetics of the position of the teeth, jaw, and face. 

An orthodontist will usually advise his patients to use braces if needed to straighten the teeth, in order to get benefits such as:

Increase self-confidence

Orthodontists will advise their patients to straighten their teeth if they have tooth malocclusions that affect the shape of the face and the appearance of the teeth. Dental malocclusion itself is a condition where the jawbones and teeth are misaligned or messy.

These messy teeth can usually affect a person’s appearance and make him feel insecure. This condition is often called loose teeth. Not only tongues, but overlapping and crooked teeth are also included in tooth malocclusion.

Maintain cleanliness of teeth and mouth

The uses of braces are also closely related to oral and dental hygiene. The doctor will usually check the condition of the teeth that need straightening. 

If there is severe malocclusion of teeth, braces are usually recommended.

The reason is, in addition to improving the appearance of the face and beautifying the smile, straightening of the teeth is needed to make teeth easier to clean. A tooth that is not tidy will be more difficult to clean, so the risk of plaque buildup or tartar is higher than for those with neat teeth.

Protect and maintain healthy teeth

Continuing from the points above, teeth need to be trimmed to make them easier to clean and to prevent plaque buildup. Because dental plaque has accumulated and is allowed to become tartar. This can lead to tooth decay and lead to gum disease.

One of the diseases that can arise due to plaque buildup is periodontitis. Periodontitis, a gum infection that damages the tissue around the teeth, will cause various symptoms such as pain when chewing, swelling of the gums, and bleeding gums.

Align the jaw position

Unkempt teeth can lead to misalignment of the jaw. This condition will usually make a person have difficulty biting or chewing. That is why it is necessary to make efforts to straighten teeth, one of which is using braces.

With neat teeth, the jaw is aligned, it will increase the ability to bite. This will reduce the risk of digestive problems due to the chewing process that is not optimal.

Improve the way of speaking

In some cases, severe dental malocclusion can affect how a person speaks. This condition will usually affect a person’s level of self-confidence. That is why the benefits of braces are needed to restore a normal-sounding way of speaking.

Although dental malocclusion is not a dangerous disease, it affects some basic activities of daily activities and feels important to be corrected.

As additional information, you also need to know that braces or braces are not the only tools orthodontists commonly use to treat dental malocclusion. There are several other tools such as lingual braces (such as braces attached to the inside of the teeth), aligners, and also Invisalign.

See to another blog Beautiful teeth give you a charming smile

well that’s it 5 benefits of braces that you need to know before using them. Braces are one of the tools used by orthodontists to straighten teeth. 

Beautiful teeth give you a charming smile

Beautiful teeth give you a charming smile

Beautiful teeth give you a charming smile – The smile is the main part of the facial expression. Smiling can be done spontaneously, although sometimes a little forced. So, in order for our smiles to be perfect, healthy and charming, there are some main rules that must be followed. Bad speech by pulling the muscles at the corners of the mouth.

Quoted from kmbui.ui.ac.id That in the process of smiling and laughing, teeth are visible objects to those who see us. The yellowish-white color contrasts with the other colors of someone’s face. So how do you get a charming smile with beautiful teeth? This is inseparable from the bite and curvature of the teeth that the teeth have between the upper and lower jaws covering the condition

Smiling and laughing are the body’s natural responses to stimuli received by our sensory system. after the brain receives the signal and processes and orders the motor muscle movements of the body to respond. The muscles of the face move, the corners of the lips move upwards, followed by the appearance of teeth due to the open mouth or just a smile. Anatomically, the movement of the smiling lips forms an upward curving curve supported by the position of the teeth in our oral cavity.

In the process of smiling and laughing, teeth are visible objects for those who see us. The yellowish-white color contrasts with the other colors of someone’s face. So how do you get a charming smile with beautiful teeth? This is inseparable from the occlusion and curvature of the teeth that the teeth have between the upper and lower jaws, including the condition of the jaw (inter-arch) and jaw (intra-arch) although the definition is more often associated with the condition between the two jaws. The maxillary or maxillary jaw is static because the bony structure is attached to the skull bone, while the lower jaw is dynamic because it has a temporomandibular joint, allowing it to perform different directions of movement. this movement is what happens when we talk, open our mouths and laugh out loud. Beautiful teeth give you a charming smile

Occlusion between the good jaws according to dentistry, view of the position of the maxillary and mandibular molars, there are three types of occlusion proposed by Angle, namely the normal neutro-occlusion where the peak of the first protrusion is on the side of the lesions. first upper molars (mesiobuccal cusp M1) how many in the valley of the lower first molars (oral groove M1); disto-occlusion in which the upper jaw seems more advanced with the peak of the dorsal protrusion of the upper first molars (disto buccal cusp M1) in the valley of the lower first molars (oral groove M1); and mesio occlusion is a more advanced mandibular condition with the apex of the front protrusion of the upper first molars (mesiobuccal cusp M1) between the first and second molars (interdental M1 and M2). By evaluating this occlusion relationship, one can simply see whether a person has a good occlusion or a deviated occlusion. The examination can be continued by looking at the position of the jaw connection, namely the angular tracing on the x-rays, to see if the abnormality is from the position of our skull bones or from the position of the teeth alone.

In occlusion, the teeth were also seen in the arrangement of the same jaw. Displacement or rotation of teeth often occurs, usually due to imperfections caused by the extracted tooth or a hole in the side of the tooth causing movement. It is also necessary to check the direction of growth of wisdom teeth at the age of 18-21 as they tend to grow sideways which pushes the other teeth so that the arrangement of the dental arch becomes messy. In cases where the classification of the occlusion is normal, with a slightly irregular arrangement of the teeth, the treatment is not too difficult, using only loose braces. In patients diagnosed with occlusion deviations, or in patients diagnosed with occlusion irregularities, or in normal occlusion but the alignment of the teeth requires quite difficult maintenance, a printed orthodontic appliance is used (braces).

Maintaining and improving the occlusal relationship and the arrangement of the teeth will result in a better position of the teeth. Of course, this can add to the aesthetic value of a person, but not only looking at the relationship, the teeth must also be in optimal health. Maintaining optimal dental health will prevent the teeth from becoming cavities and having the correct color. Here are some tips that can be done to maintain the health and appearance of teeth.

1. Brush your teeth at most twice a day, especially in the evening before going to bed

The process of brushing teeth is essential for maintaining healthy teeth and mouth. Choose a toothbrush that is not too hard so as not to irritate the soft tissues of the oral cavity. Brushing your teeth will clean the surface of your teeth, debris and dental plaque, which can reduce bacterial colonization. The process of demineralization of the tooth surface by bacteria, because a lot of debris and sugar as substances necessary for bacteria cause cavities. The night before going to bed, brush your teeth as the time spent sleeping saliva is reduced (circadian rhythm) so that the self-cleaning effect is also minimal. Keeping teeth clean is an optimal step in maintaining dental health.

2. Use dental floss to clean the interdental area

Dental floss can be used to clean between teeth so that any stuck food can be lifted into the teeth with a clutter. cleaning the internal tooth area is also good for keeping the gums free from inflammatory reactions. Like plaque or stuck dirt is a foreign object that can cause inflammation of the gum tissue which is reddish and bleeds easily.

3. Drink plenty of water and eat fibrous foods Drinking water and consuming fibrous foods increases the water content of the body

Saliva that is not too thick will give a better cleaning effect on teeth and oral cavity. Drink water after consuming thick drinks such as milk, coffee, and tea. Coffee and tea contain dyes that can cause teeth to turn yellow, and drinking water can reduce this effect.

4. Check-up at the dentist

Be diligent in seeing the dentist at least every 6 months. under certain conditions, food waste can mineralize to form tartar (tartar). Tartar cannot be cleaned with the usual cleaning process but requires tools belonging to dentists

5. Stay confident and smile

The connection of the teeth can be improved, for example by using orthodontic tools, and the condition of the teeth can be treated by maintaining the health of the oral cavity. but the most important thing is to stay confident and love yourself the best you can. Beautiful teeth give you a charming smile


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