Foods That You Can and Can’t Eat After Wearing Braces

Foods That You Can and Can’t Eat After Wearing Braces

Foods That You Can and Can’t Eat After Wearing Braces – You decide to use braces? Then you also have to start paying attention to the type of food you eat. Some types of food can get caught in the crevices. It can be too hard to affect the position of the braces. Even cause damage to the braces and the area of ​​the teeth around it.

Using braces is not without challenges. When the braces are installed by the dentist, pain and even irritation around the teeth and gums can occur. It can take several days to weeks to adapt until you are comfortable with the appliance.

In addition, another adjustment that may be difficult is avoiding certain types of foods that may be your favorite foods.

Maintaining a diet, dental and oral care is important for patients who have recently worn braces. One of them is don’t eat carelessly.

Also Read Types of Braces and the Best Choice for You

Anything that should be eaten while wearing braces?

The type of food that can be consumed when using braces is food that is normally textured to soft.

1. Cooked vegetables

For stirrup users, most raw vegetables are usually too tough to eat right away. But, don’t worry. You can still work around this by boiling, steaming, or cooking these vegetables until they are soft in texture. This method is quite effective if you want to eat hard vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, and cucumbers.

2 Eggs

Eggs have a texture that is soft enough for braces users so that they are safe for consumption every day. You also don’t need to worry about running out of ideas when cooking eggs, because these nutrient-rich food ingredients can be processed into various delicious and healthy dishes. For example, scrambled eggs, beef eye eggs, to cheese and peppers filled omelette.

3. Mashed potatoes

Mashed potatoes make a great carbohydrate alternative to rice, especially during the first few days of using the braces. This food is very easy to make and can be created into a variety of interesting dishes so you don’t get bored quickly. Only after the braces is strong enough and the pain in the teeth gradually disappears, you can try eating boiled potatoes which have a denser texture.

Foods that should be avoided when using braces

The following foods should be avoided as they can affect the position and function of the braces.

1. Chewy and Sticky Food

Chewy textured foods such as chewing gum or other chewy candies can stick to the cracks of your braces.

If it sticks, it will be difficult to clean and can make it easier for bacteria to breed. Therefore, you should avoid this type of food.

2. Hard Textured Food and Fruits

Chewing popcorn, potato chips, crackers is best avoided if you use braces. In addition, vegetables and hard fruit should not be consumed for a while. For example, guava, raw carrots, and corn.

Fruit is an important element in a balanced nutritious diet, but you have to adjust the type of fruit consumed while using the stirrup. Stirrup that sticks to the teeth will affect the ability to chew. Meanwhile, avoid hard fruits such as apples, pears, peaches, and unripe fruits.

These vegetables and fruits can make braces break easily and can come off. You can work around this by cutting them into smaller pieces so that they are easier to chew and eat.

Or you can steam the vegetables first to make them softer when eaten.

3. Sweet Food

You should limit the consumption of sugary foods and drinks while you are undergoing braces treatment. When sugar mixes with saliva, it can create a sticky coating that sticks to the surface of the teeth.

Although brushing can remove plaque, it becomes more difficult when you use braces. If the plaque is not brushed properly, there is a risk of tooth decay on your teeth.

4. Nuts and Seeds

Most of the nuts and seeds can actually be consumed by braces users. However, there are also types of nuts and seeds that you should avoid, such as dry corn, wheat, peanuts, almonds. Not only hard, this food ingredient can also get stuck between the cracks of the stirrup and difficult to remove.

Maintaining good dental habits when using braces is one way to avoid breakage. Always make sure that you brush your teeth at least twice a day. Do it after eating and at night before going to bed.

Pay extra attention to the space around your braces and get rid of any food debris stuck inside. Use a special toothbrush for stirrup users or a toothbrush with soft bristles.

That’s it articles about foods that you can and can’t eat after wearing braces, hope this articles will help you to maintain your braces!

References :

Benefits of Teeth Whitening For Your Facial Appearance

Benefits of Teeth Whitening For Your Facial Appearance

Benefits of Teeth Whitening – Your smile says a lot about you. A smile plays an important role in the first impression other people get when they see you. Showing off an attractive smile will also make you feel better inside yourself. If your teeth are stained or discolored, you definitely won’t feel comfortable showing them off with a beaming smile.

Your teeth can also be stained with food and drink. The stain staining effect includes berries, red wine and the use of tobacco.

You will get benefit from teeth whitening by a dentist if you decide to use it. The doctor will provide a quick and very effective solution to enhance your appearance.

Don’t go overboard with over the counter teeth whitening products. It is recommended that professional teeth whitening by dental experts in order to achieve maximum results. Teeth whitening can lighten the tooth enamel and dentin underneath in a procedure that is tailored to your individual needs.

Here are some of the benefits of teeth whitening you’ll get from professional treatments.

Also Read Procedure of Getting Braces That Should You Know

1. Better Oral Health

When a dental professional removes tooth stains, it can strengthen the health and strength of your teeth. What causes tooth decay is usually cavities and gum disease. This is caused by the accumulation of plaque. The sticky coating that provides a breeding ground for harmful bacteria.

2. Improve Facial Appearance

A new smile can completely change your appearance. This can make you look younger and even reduce the appearance of wrinkles on your face. You can brighten your teeth and improve your overall appearance.

Your teeth are part of your face, and it’s the first thing people see when they look at you. Therefore, when you whiten your teeth, you are not only changing the style of your teeth, but also improving the overall appearance of your face.

3. Results To Be Guaranteed

Have you tried using several products to whiten your teeth but without success? Some methods require a product that may not provide effective results. Other products found at your local drugstore can give uneven results and partially whiten your teeth.

Professional teeth whitening is not only fast. The results are also reliable. After a session with a professional dentist, you will get advice on how your teeth will last for a long time.

4. Safe and Comfortable Treatment

If you are not careful in choosing a medication, some over the counter bleaching medications can damage your gums. It can also make your teeth more sensitive to anything that gets into your mouth. A professional dentist will not take the risk of using harmful products on your teeth.

If you come to a dental professional, you will also get tips on how to care for your teeth after treatment. This treatment options are safer because they are experts at performing procedures. A dentist will also monitor its progress to make sure your teeth are not damaged. By adjusting the concentration of the whitening agent, your gums and teeth are completely protected from attack.

5. Can Be Long Lasting

If your teeth are supported by good routine oral hygiene at home, the results of professional teeth whitening will last for a long time. Because the whitening ingredients available to dentists and dental hygienists contain a stronger whitening agent than those you can buy over the counter.

6. A Brighter and Beautiful Smile

One of the great benefits of teeth whitening is that it instantly gives you a brighter and more attractive smile. A dentist or dental hygienist can remove deep stains that will have little impact on whitening toothpaste.

7. Faster Result

If you use professional teeth whitening, it can change your entire smile in less than an hour. You don’t have to wait weeks to see a change in the appearance of your teeth. Store bought products may be cheaper, but not of the quality compared to professional dentists.

You can wait sooner for whiter teeth and still get satisfying results. The benefit of teeth whitening at the dentist clinic is a guarantee that you will be satisfied with the end result.

8. Affordable Bleaching Procedure

In dentistry, many procedures are available to improve quality of life. Most of them are expensive and beyond the reach of the average person.

The best thing about bleaching is that it’s still within reach from a cost standpoint. It provides life changing results at a very low cost. One of the benefits of teeth whitening is that it provides a high return on your investment.

A dentist will examine your mouth before doing any teeth whitening treatments. The goal is to make sure there are no problems that might be exacerbated by the bleaching process. Such as failed fillings or exposed tooth roots can cause significant problems if exposed to bleach.

Teeth whitening is a safe and effective treatment that can boost your self confidence. It can also produce faster and longer lasting results than any whitening toothpaste or teeth whitening tools on the market.

References :

Dental Criteria That Can Use Braces For Maximum Results

Dental Criteria That Can Use Braces For Maximum Results

Dental Criteria That Can Use Braces – Braces are commonly used to straighten teeth that aren’t in alignment. To keep their teeth looking tidy, many people put on braces and hope that their teeth can look tidier and aligned.

Quoted from Carefreedental, many teenagers also dread being told that they need dental braces and some refuse to wear them altogether. While modern braces are a lot less conspicuous than some of the older products, they are still visible and they can cause problems for self-conscious teens. So, avoid the drama and keep a close eye on your child’s dental health. Visit the dentist regularly and any signs of trouble will be treated before they become a major problem.

But before that, you must know about dental criteria that can use braces :

1. Crooked teeth

Crooked teeth that make the mouth difficult to squeeze, crooked teeth that make the gums and mouth bleed, or crooked teeth that make there a large cavity between the teeth. That does have to be fixed using braces.

2. Incisors that grow outward

Tom Cruise is one of the artists who put braces to improve the shape of the incisors that grow out. Even though the teeth are now back in line, the composition of the teeth as a whole is still crooked.

Do not believe in that? Try to see him smiling broadly. The front incisors are not symmetrical with the midline on the face. But, that inclusion actually makes her smile even more seductive for girls.

3. Your teeth are too loose

Tooth loose like the teeth of the British is actually not a big problem. This condition occurs because the difference in the size of the jaw is large and the size of the teeth is relatively smaller than it should be.

For example, tooth loss really creates a crisis of self-confidence, worries about loose teeth, or even difficulty chewing, so the braces are important.

4. Your jaw isn’t symmetrical

Upper or lower teeth that are more advanced than the rest are usually accompanied by symmetrical discrepancies in the jaw. Not a condition to worry about because not everyone has a symmetrical jaw.

However, it needs to be rearranged with the installation of stirrups when this condition makes it difficult for someone to close their lips, talk, bite, and chew.

5. Your teeth can’t “bite”

Medically, the perfection of the bite can be checked with a simple test at the dentist. You will be asked to bite into a tracing sheet. From there, the dentist determines whether your bite is perfect or lopsided.

Even teeth that look neat are advised to put stirrups, for example this simple test shows the balance between the bite pressure at one point and another. If you leave it, it can affect the shape of the jaw and sometimes cause headaches.

Also Read Don’t Just Use Braces, You Must Know the 5 Benefits of Braces Below

Are There Alternatives to Braces?

Metal braces, ceramic braces, and invisible braces are the most common types of teeth straightening treatments. The only real alternative to orthodontic braces is teeth straightening surgery.

This surgery can be a minor procedure to change the way your teeth are aligned in your mouth. It can also be a more serious process whereby your jaw is surgically realigned to better accommodate speaking and chewing.

So that was the discussion about the dental criteria for teeth that can use braces, I hope this information is useful for all of you.

Don’t Just Use Braces, You Must Know the 5 Benefits of Braces Below

Don’t Just Use Braces, You Must Know the 5 Benefits of Braces Below

Quoted from – The trend of using braces or stirrups still persists today. Unfortunately, there are some people who use them because they want to look up to date and look glamorous, without knowing the true benefits of braces.

Even though its use is also not playing games, you know. Because dental placement has the aim of supporting your oral health condition and the neatness of your teeth.

Here is an explanation of the benefits of using braces or braces from the medical side below:

5 benefits of braces that you need to know before using them Braces are one of the tools used by orthodontists to straighten teeth.

You also need to know that orthodontists are different from regular dentists. Orthodontists are dentists who have specialized in orthodontics.

Orthodontics itself is a field that studies the aesthetics of the position of the teeth, jaw, and face. 

An orthodontist will usually advise his patients to use braces if needed to straighten the teeth, in order to get benefits such as:

Increase self-confidence

Orthodontists will advise their patients to straighten their teeth if they have tooth malocclusions that affect the shape of the face and the appearance of the teeth. Dental malocclusion itself is a condition where the jawbones and teeth are misaligned or messy.

These messy teeth can usually affect a person’s appearance and make him feel insecure. This condition is often called loose teeth. Not only tongues, but overlapping and crooked teeth are also included in tooth malocclusion.

Maintain cleanliness of teeth and mouth

The uses of braces are also closely related to oral and dental hygiene. The doctor will usually check the condition of the teeth that need straightening. 

If there is severe malocclusion of teeth, braces are usually recommended.

The reason is, in addition to improving the appearance of the face and beautifying the smile, straightening of the teeth is needed to make teeth easier to clean. A tooth that is not tidy will be more difficult to clean, so the risk of plaque buildup or tartar is higher than for those with neat teeth.

Protect and maintain healthy teeth

Continuing from the points above, teeth need to be trimmed to make them easier to clean and to prevent plaque buildup. Because dental plaque has accumulated and is allowed to become tartar. This can lead to tooth decay and lead to gum disease.

One of the diseases that can arise due to plaque buildup is periodontitis. Periodontitis, a gum infection that damages the tissue around the teeth, will cause various symptoms such as pain when chewing, swelling of the gums, and bleeding gums.

Align the jaw position

Unkempt teeth can lead to misalignment of the jaw. This condition will usually make a person have difficulty biting or chewing. That is why it is necessary to make efforts to straighten teeth, one of which is using braces.

With neat teeth, the jaw is aligned, it will increase the ability to bite. This will reduce the risk of digestive problems due to the chewing process that is not optimal.

Improve the way of speaking

In some cases, severe dental malocclusion can affect how a person speaks. This condition will usually affect a person’s level of self-confidence. That is why the benefits of braces are needed to restore a normal-sounding way of speaking.

Although dental malocclusion is not a dangerous disease, it affects some basic activities of daily activities and feels important to be corrected.

As additional information, you also need to know that braces or braces are not the only tools orthodontists commonly use to treat dental malocclusion. There are several other tools such as lingual braces (such as braces attached to the inside of the teeth), aligners, and also Invisalign.

See to another blog Beautiful teeth give you a charming smile

well that’s it 5 benefits of braces that you need to know before using them. Braces are one of the tools used by orthodontists to straighten teeth. 

Self Ligating Brackets Answering My Patients Question:

Self Ligating Brackets Answering My Patients Question:

Self Ligating Brackets (SLB)

There are many factors that come to deciding what Orthodontic treatment is appropriate for your needs and better to visit the dentist and having a completed examination and consultation. Some of these factors come from personal desires such as; how much is your budget, how long you would like to be in braces, and your aesthetic requests.

Bracket system types areas: Traditional (metal) brackets, Self Ligating Brackets, Ceramic Brackets, Lingual brackets and even Aligning trays (Invisalign). Each of them has its pros and cons. On this page, we discussed Self Ligating Brackets (SLB) compared to Traditional brackets. Both of them achieve the same results but SLB easier to tolerate.

The Looks

Traditional brackets use ligation which means making a tie. The wire is held in place by use of ties; either metal or rubber ligature. The rubber ligature is interchangeable colored make braces personalized and fun, as well as, perform an important function in the tooth movement process.
Self-ligating brackets eliminate the need for rubber or metal ties and instead use a permanently installed moveable component to entrap the wire.

How do they work?

The traditional bracket uses a process in which you have to return every 4-6 weeks to tightened and repositioned ligature to pull the teeth. The elastomeric ligation causes a bit of friction during the movement process.
SLB doesn’t utilize elastomeric ligation (rubber ties) so there is no friction through the bracket. SLB works by using a tiny spring-loaded door to maintain pressure on the archwires. This process applies pressure to the system to gently adjust the teeth to the desired position. Thus, the need for tightening is eliminated which means fewer visits.

Tooth Extractions

Some articles said with SLB tooth extraction is not typically necessary on the other hand Traditional braces mostly need extractions. Based on my experiences, it depends on how much space do you need to align your teeth. Both of these braces could need extractions and could be not.

Treatment time and Chair time

The treatment time for SLB is faster due to the ease of movement, therefore, if you are looking for the most efficient system that will get you in and out faster, this system is suitable for you. SLB eliminates chair time and easy for clinicians to doing adjustments.


SLB comes in both clear and metal so it can match your aesthetic desire. While SLB is less visible than Traditional brackets.

Cleaning and Oral Hygiene

Cleaning your teeth absolutely important while you get orthodontic treatment. SLB brackets are easier to clean than traditional brackets.

Less Pain?

Based on a study by Tecco S ( Eur J Orthod. August 2009), patients treated with conventional brackets reported significantly more ‘ constant’ pain than those treated with Self Ligating Brackets who complained of ‘ chewing/biting’ pain.
Another thing to consider is the tolerance pain level of a patient, it’s individual.

Any treatment no matter what you choose is better than no treatment. You can contact me and have an appointment for a free consultation. You are worth a beautiful smile!

Click for Print your Crown or your Implant? Why not?


Print your Crown or your Implant? Why not?

Print your Crown or your Implant? Why not?

3D printing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file. The Digital file itself comes from 3D scanners or 3D Impressions that I discussed in my last article.

How does 3D Printing work?

To make a crown and your implant starts from a virtual design of the object we want to make. this design is a CAD (Computer-Aided Design) file. CAD file created using a 3D modeling application or with a 3D scanner. The digital object Crown and your implant is divided into horizontal slices by the desired layer thickness and then created by laying down the sequential slide layers of material until the complete object is formed.

There are 3 types of 3D printing: Extrusion, Granular/ powder-based, and Light Polymerization.
3D printing takes the efficiencies of digital design to the production stage. By combining oral scanning, CAD/CAM design, and 3D printing, dental labs can accurately and rapidly produce crowns, bridges, stone models, a range of orthodontic appliances, even in surgery such as dental implants, manufacture of dental craniofacial and orthopedic implants, and the fabrication of copings and frameworks for implants and dental restorations. 3D printing can produce smaller feature sizes with no restriction on part geometry.

Joseph DeSimone, the CEO of the 3D printing company Carbon 3D and a professor of chemistry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, announced that a breakthrough technology allows teeth to be printed in 6,5 minutes. It’s amazing! Going to the dentist will take a longer time on your ride than the chairside process itself!

Unfortunately, Only 10% of dentists use a CAD/CAM machine, however, even though the technology has been available for years. The learning curve can be steep, and most dentists still prefer to leave the work to skilled technicians in dental labs.

One Visit Veneer ? Why Not ?

One Visit Veneer ? Why Not ?

Are you looking for another cheaper and faster veneer option? A composite direct veneer is an answer. Today’s composite materials can provide a life-like, beautiful appearance that is conservative of tooth structure and can last for a long time. These composite layers placed on the tooth and sculpted directly in the mouth to achieve the desired aesthetic the patient looking for. It can be used in situations in which there is chipping, discoloration, and minor misalignment of natural teeth.

Advantages of Direct faster veneer option :
1. Composite direct veneer can be applied in one day, last 4-8 years
2. The cost is less than porcelain veneers – about half price
3. Can be used for a variety of aesthetic situations and results can be amazing.
4. Composite is essentially reinforced plastic with today’s technology it’s much stronger and aesthetic than ever before.
5. It made chairside, therefore accomplished in one visit only
6. Can be repaired

Disadvantages of Direct Veneer :
1. It requires maintenance (they chip).
2. Its last shorter-lasting finish than Porcelain Veneers
3. Not as stain-resistant or color stable as porcelain
4. Need an adequate removed amount of tooth structure to allow placement of composite resins in the desired shape without added tooth bulk.

Composite veneer therapy is an art, ask to see some of your doctor’s work and make sure you feel comfortable with the doctor since it involves extreme attention to detail.

To improve the durability and longevity of veneers you need to maintain consistent good oral hygiene and have regular dental examinations and cleanings at least twice a year. In addition, you must avoid using them to bite or crack hard objects like nuts and ice.

So, you have your choices of veneers now. Have your new smile NOW.

Click another Blog about Digital Impressions 3D Dental Scanner Vs Conversional Impressions