What are Dental Braces? Is it Good For Your Teeth?

What are Dental Braces? Is it Good For Your Teeth?

What are Dental Braces? Dental Braces are a way to straighten or move your teeth, to improve their appearance and the way they work. Braces can also help you maintain healthy teeth and gums in the long term and make eating more comfortable, by spreading the bite pressure all over your teeth. It should work by applying pressure to the teeth, to slowly move them in the right direction. As the pressure starts to work, the bones in the jaw change to allow the teeth and roots to move.

Dental Braces is commonly used by dentists in orthodontic treatment for a variety of reasons. One of its most common uses is to correct crooked or crooked teeth. Modern materials and technology make the experience of having braces much more comfortable.

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Dental Braces

Traditionally, braces have been uncomfortable for first-timers. Braces are metal tools that are painful to wear and often cause sores on the inside of the mouth, leading to cuts and damage. In addition, braces are unsightly and braces are generally worn by teenagers and young adults. When wearing it can often cause a decrease in self-confidence.

But nowadays, braces are less visible in the mouth and less conspicuous. The brackets attached to each tooth are smaller or may be attached to the back of the teeth so they are less visible. In addition, brackets can be made of ceramic, plastic, metal or a combination of these materials and can also be made tooth-colored.

Braces come in two forms, they can be attached and worn at any time. In this case the patient can remove it if they wish.

Orthodontic treatment aims to move the teeth into a stable position. This is complex and requires a specialist’s understanding of where the tooth can be moved, and how.

The new position of your teeth should be stable. However, you should wear braces for as long as your dentist recommends. This will help stop your teeth from returning to their original place. Even though they do this only a little, you may be disappointed with the results.

You will also need to wear the retainer regularly for some time after your treatment is finished. This will stop your teeth from returning to their original position before the treatment.

Short Term Risk

Braces can create small spaces around the teeth that can trap food particles and will stain the teeth. If plaque deposits on the teeth are not removed then:

  • The loss of minerals on the outer enamel surface of your teeth, so that it can leave permanent whitish stains on your teeth
  • Tooth decay and gum disease

Long term risks

You may also get long-term risks such as:

  • The root length of the teeth is shorter. During tooth movement, part of the bone in the path of the moving tooth dissolves, while new bone is put behind it. Permanent loss of root length can occur during this process, which can cause the tooth to become less stable. However, in most cases, this doesn’t cause a problem.
  • Loss of correction. If you don’t follow your dentist’s instructions carefully after you have removed your braces, especially when using a device called a retainer, you may lose some of the correction gained when wearing braces.

How do you take care of your braces?

If you want to take care of braces, it is important to keep your teeth checked by your dentist, at regular check-ups. Both during your orthodontic treatment and after.

Clean your teeth carefully every day, don’t forget to clean between your teeth as much as you can. Braces are delicate and you have to clean them carefully so they don’t break. Your dental team will be able to show you how to do this for the type of brace you are wearing.

Reduce how much sugary foods and drinks you have and sticky foods that can stick between braces. That’s because sticky and hard food can damage your braces.

Brush your teeth twice a day, at night and at least once during the day. Use mouthwash if necessary. Your dentist may recommend a stronger fluoride toothpaste, or perhaps a fluoride gel or mouthwash, for you to use.

How Successful is The Use of Braces?

In most cases, these braces work well, but you will need to still follow directions from your dentist for this to work. Follow all the instructions given and you will get maximum results.

When you wear braces, you have to be more careful about what you eat and other things that can potentially damage your braces. To give your braces the best chance to improve your teeth, cut back on sweet and sour foods. This is because braces can trap food debris and cause more plaque to build up than usual. Plaque is a thin, sticky layer of bacteria that builds up on your teeth.

You should continue to visit your dentist regularly during your orthodontic treatment, as well as after your treatment is finished.

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Benefits of Teeth Whitening For Your Facial Appearance

Benefits of Teeth Whitening For Your Facial Appearance

Benefits of Teeth Whitening – Your smile says a lot about you. A smile plays an important role in the first impression other people get when they see you. Showing off an attractive smile will also make you feel better inside yourself. If your teeth are stained or discolored, you definitely won’t feel comfortable showing them off with a beaming smile.

Your teeth can also be stained with food and drink. The stain staining effect includes berries, red wine and the use of tobacco.

You will get benefit from teeth whitening by a dentist if you decide to use it. The doctor will provide a quick and very effective solution to enhance your appearance.

Don’t go overboard with over the counter teeth whitening products. It is recommended that professional teeth whitening by dental experts in order to achieve maximum results. Teeth whitening can lighten the tooth enamel and dentin underneath in a procedure that is tailored to your individual needs.

Here are some of the benefits of teeth whitening you’ll get from professional treatments.

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1. Better Oral Health

When a dental professional removes tooth stains, it can strengthen the health and strength of your teeth. What causes tooth decay is usually cavities and gum disease. This is caused by the accumulation of plaque. The sticky coating that provides a breeding ground for harmful bacteria.

2. Improve Facial Appearance

A new smile can completely change your appearance. This can make you look younger and even reduce the appearance of wrinkles on your face. You can brighten your teeth and improve your overall appearance.

Your teeth are part of your face, and it’s the first thing people see when they look at you. Therefore, when you whiten your teeth, you are not only changing the style of your teeth, but also improving the overall appearance of your face.

3. Results To Be Guaranteed

Have you tried using several products to whiten your teeth but without success? Some methods require a product that may not provide effective results. Other products found at your local drugstore can give uneven results and partially whiten your teeth.

Professional teeth whitening is not only fast. The results are also reliable. After a session with a professional dentist, you will get advice on how your teeth will last for a long time.

4. Safe and Comfortable Treatment

If you are not careful in choosing a medication, some over the counter bleaching medications can damage your gums. It can also make your teeth more sensitive to anything that gets into your mouth. A professional dentist will not take the risk of using harmful products on your teeth.

If you come to a dental professional, you will also get tips on how to care for your teeth after treatment. This treatment options are safer because they are experts at performing procedures. A dentist will also monitor its progress to make sure your teeth are not damaged. By adjusting the concentration of the whitening agent, your gums and teeth are completely protected from attack.

5. Can Be Long Lasting

If your teeth are supported by good routine oral hygiene at home, the results of professional teeth whitening will last for a long time. Because the whitening ingredients available to dentists and dental hygienists contain a stronger whitening agent than those you can buy over the counter.

6. A Brighter and Beautiful Smile

One of the great benefits of teeth whitening is that it instantly gives you a brighter and more attractive smile. A dentist or dental hygienist can remove deep stains that will have little impact on whitening toothpaste.

7. Faster Result

If you use professional teeth whitening, it can change your entire smile in less than an hour. You don’t have to wait weeks to see a change in the appearance of your teeth. Store bought products may be cheaper, but not of the quality compared to professional dentists.

You can wait sooner for whiter teeth and still get satisfying results. The benefit of teeth whitening at the dentist clinic is a guarantee that you will be satisfied with the end result.

8. Affordable Bleaching Procedure

In dentistry, many procedures are available to improve quality of life. Most of them are expensive and beyond the reach of the average person.

The best thing about bleaching is that it’s still within reach from a cost standpoint. It provides life changing results at a very low cost. One of the benefits of teeth whitening is that it provides a high return on your investment.

A dentist will examine your mouth before doing any teeth whitening treatments. The goal is to make sure there are no problems that might be exacerbated by the bleaching process. Such as failed fillings or exposed tooth roots can cause significant problems if exposed to bleach.

Teeth whitening is a safe and effective treatment that can boost your self confidence. It can also produce faster and longer lasting results than any whitening toothpaste or teeth whitening tools on the market.

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Benefits of Tooth Extractions That You Can Get

Benefits of Tooth Extractions That You Can Get

Benefits of Tooth Extractions – Tooth extraction is basically a simple process. Tooth should be extracted when they are so badly damaged. Even though it seems terrible, there are various benefits of tooth extraction that can be obtained. If not removed, the damaged tooth can interfere with the health of the other teeth. Like the oral cavity, or even the whole body.

Take it easy, tooth extraction is not as scary as imagined. Tooth will be pulled out after anesthetic and the anesthetic is sure to work. However, in some cases it is necessary to cut the gums to make the teeth easier to remove.

If your tooth has been successfully extracted, the dentist will place gauze or cotton wool over your tooth extraction to help stop the bleeding. The time it takes to pull a tooth depends on the level of difficulty, usually around 10 minutes at the fastest. And the pain it causes is not very painful.

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Various Benefits of Tooth Extractions

As said before, the tooth extraction process doesn’t hurt. But it has various benefits that you can get. Surely you don’t want cavities to stay on your gums forever. Therefore it is advisable to go to the dentist immediately. For the sake of pulling out the teeth so as not to cause gum disease. Here are some of the benefits you will get if you pull out a problematic tooth.

1. Prevent the risk of infection

If you pull out a tooth, you will be able to prevent infection of the pulp. This pulp is the root in your tooth that contains nerves. If there is a cavity or damage to your tooth, the bacteria can enter the pulp and can cause a severe infection.

Some cases of infected pulp can be treated with root canal therapy. However, in some cases, root canal therapy and antibiotic use have not helped. So, removal needs to be done so that the infection does not spread.

Apart from that, removal is also necessary if your immune system is weak. Like if you are undergoing chemotherapy or an organ transplant. This is important because infections that are supposed to be mild can become very severe if your immune system becomes weak.

2. Relieves Pain in The Gums

Persistent pain in the teeth and gums can be caused by several things. For example, infected tooth cavities, gum infections, and tooth fractures. This continuous pain can greatly interfere with your activities and even sleep. So that is the main sign that your teeth need to be removed.

3. Prevent sinus disorders

Apart from disturbing the health of the oral cavity, dental problems can also lead to sinus problems. Which results in headaches due to sinus pressure and nasal congestion. You are advised to remove the problematic tooth. So that you will also avoid sinus problems and nasal congestion.

4. Prevents Problems Due to Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth generally don’t grow until your 20s. And there are already about 28 adult teeth in the mouth. At this age, there is usually no room for the molars to grow properly. There are several cases that arise, but only in part.

What causes it to happen is the forced contact of the molars with other teeth. In this condition, the newly emerged molars will push against the other teeth and cause intense pain.

In addition, teeth that appear only partially tend to be difficult to clean. And can be a build-up of bacteria that has the potential to develop into plaque that causes infection. Possible disorders include abscess, gingivitis, and dental caries.

Therefore, wisdom teeth are better removed when they start to emerge. To avoid various diseases that have been mentioned earlier.

Tooth extraction is a medical procedure that is performed on the basis of the patient’s interest and benefit. Almost all medical procedures have risks. Tooth extraction also risks causing complications, such as infection, slow healing process, pain, and numbness.

But you don’t need to worry too much, because these complications are generally temporary and not permanent. The dentist will also make preparations and provide drugs to anticipate and prevent complications from happening to you.

So, if you have a condition or disorder in the mouth and teeth area, don’t hesitate to consult your dentist. In order not to be late and it can even cause more tissue problems. Not all treatments have to involve removing the tooth. Of course, the dentist will suggest the best treatment for your condition. With the Benefits of Tooth Extractions that you can get, it can convince you to pull out your teeth and don’t hesitate anymore.


Dental Requirements That Can’t Be Used With Veneers

Dental Requirements That Can’t Be Used With Veneers

Dental Requirements That Can Be Used With Veneers – Having white, clean, and ideal teeth is the dream of many people. They are willing to carry out various treatments in order to get an attractive appearance. One of them is with dental veneers. However, not everyone can do it. There are several conditions that you must meet before using veneers.

Dental veneers are a type of dental treatment. Done by coating the surface of the teeth with certain materials. The goal is that your teeth look whiter and the size is ideal. Dental veneers are generally made of porcelain and resin composites.

Although veneers are quite popular for getting perfect teeth, this treatment has certain conditions that must be met. What do veneers look like? Following are the requirements for dental veneers that must be considered.

Also Read What is Dental Veneers? Thing You Should Know About It

1. Teeth with Thin Enamel

If you have fairly thin tooth enamel, this condition is less than ideal. Not ideal due to the lack of a retention area.

The enamel coating is one of the important elements for the installation of dental veneers and is very important in the bonding process between veneers and teeth. If you force it, the veneer will come off easily.

2. Steeped Teeth Position

If your position is very steep, this position of the teeth will make it difficult to grind the teeth and fix the veneers. This is because there is a part of one of your teeth that needs to be sharpened more than the other teeth.

Another problem is that your veneers will make heavy contact with the antagonist of the teeth. So that the veneers that you install will be vulnerable to breaking.

3. Teeth gap too far

The condition of your teeth is far apart and too far? If you have a dental condition like this, you should not avoid veneers treatment. If forced, the teeth will look so wide that they look unnatural. This of course will interfere with appearance. Especially your facial appearance later.

In addition, the veneer will come off easily because it is too big or wide.

4. Poor Oral Hygiene

Poor oral hygiene, as well as dental problems such as tartar, cavities, and even remaining root teeth that are not extracted are not recommended to wear dental veneers.

Because this can cause caries and bad breath at the bottom of the veneer due to poor hygiene.

If you have periodontal disease, applying veneers will make the condition worse, and can even cause infection in your gums.

5. Bad Habits like Clenching and Bruxism

Bruxism is the habit of unconsciously grinding, rubbing, or pressing the teeth up and down, or right to left. If you have a habit of clenching and bruxism, it has the potential to make veneers fall off and break easily.

Meanwhile, clenching is the habit of clenching the teeth in the lower and upper jaw with excessive pressure. These two habits can cause heavy contact between the upper and lower teeth so that your veneers will break easily.

6. Sensitive Teeth

The next requirement for dental veneers is that the teeth are not sensitive. If you have a very sensitive tooth condition. We recommend that you delay the veneer treatment first.

Perform previous treatments, such as changing special toothpaste for sensitive teeth and other treatments at the dentist.

7. Bad Habit of Biting

If you have bad habits, such as biting nails, ice cubes, or other objects, it can also affect veneer care. As a result, the veneer can shake even more badly as it can come off.

Those are the conditions or Dental requirements that can’t be used with veneers. Another thing to remember, dental veneer treatment does not make teeth healthier and free from dental disease. Therefore, veneer users still need to have their teeth checked regularly to maintain your dental veneers.

References :

What is Dental Veneers? Thing’s You Should Know About It

What is Dental Veneers? Thing’s You Should Know About It

In the world of dental health, you must have heard terms such as dental crowns, braces, or others very often. But this time, we will discuss about one of the most popular dental treatments in Indonesia, namely dental veneers. What is  dental veneers? and what are the benefits for your teeth?

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Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are medical procedures that aim to improve the appearance of teeth for the better view. It’s can do by applying a layer of veneer to the front of the teeth.
Unlike dental crowns or dental implants, veneers only cover the front of your tooth, not completely replacing the tooth. If you want to replace the whole tooth then go for the dental implant procedure. Because, this procedure replaces the tooth to the root. While dental crown only cover all parts of the crown, not just the front.
Material of dental veneers is usually made of porcelain or composite resin, and will stick to your teeth permanently. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages, including in terms of color accuracy and cost.

The dental veneer procedure aims to improve your appearance of the tooth surface, especially those caused by tooth decay, broken teeth, or teeth that have turned yellow. Dental veneers are usually done on the teeth on the front. Some of the conditions that can cause you to need dental veneers include:

  • Teeth that are yellowish or discolored
  • Broken teeth
  • Tooth shape is irregular, but still the level of difficulty is still mild
  • Loose teeth
  • Tooth decay

Types and Costs of Veneers

If you are wondering about the cost of veneers, you must first determine which type of veneer you want to use. Because, the cost of dental veneers depends on the type of dental veneer you choose. In general, dental veneers are divided into two types, namely direct veneers and indirect veneers.

1. Direct Veneers

Direct veneer or composite veneer is done directly on the tooth without doing the dental molding process first. The material used for direct veneer is a composite resin. Usually the direct veneer process will be faster and the best thing is that you can do it with just one visit to the dentist for this.

Dental veneers made from composite materials generally only last for about two years and the color will change over time. The fast process and also the quality of the direct veneer material makes the price of this dental veneer not too expensive. You only need to spend around 1-2 million rupiah.

2. Indirect Veneers

Indirect veneers are a type of dental veneers that you cannot get with just one visit to the dentist. The initial process of this indirect veneer procedure is the erosion and shearing of the tooth shape, then it will enter the veneer formation process in the laboratory which takes approximately one week or even more depending on the size. After the veneers are finished, the dental veneers are ready to be installed on your next visit to the dentist.

Material used for indirect veneer is porcelain. When compared to composite materials in direct veneers, this porcelain material has advantages in terms of strength and resistance to color. Indirect veneers are claimed to be able to last an average of 10 years or even more. The price of porcelain tooth veneer is quite expensive because it can range from 4 to 9 million rupiah.

Benefits of Dental Veneers

Not without reason, nowadays many are choosing dental veneers as a method for straightening their teeth. The following are some of the benefits you will get if you use this dental veneers procedure:

1. Straighten your teeth

The first benefit of dental veneers is to straighten teeth. If the current condition of your teeth is teeth that are spaced, broken teeth, or uneven teeth positions, it will certainly damage the appearance of your teeth. By doing the dental veneer procedure, all the damage can be covered and the teeth look tidier.

2. Can whiten your teeth

The next benefit of dental veneers is that they can whiten your teeth. When compared to tooth bleaching, this dental veneer is better known by the wider community and more people use it than teeth bleaching.

Because if you do a tooth bleaching, it will have a different reaction for each tooth. So it will be difficult to determine which part of the tooth is what you want. Whereas with the dental veneer method, you can easily determine which teeth and what color you want to use later.

3. Your teeth can become a rabbit teeth

Who doesn’t know this rabbit tooth trend? Surely you already know right? And one of the benefits of using this dental veneer is that it can turn your teeth into rabbit teeth. The benefits of dental veneers in general are to whiten teeth and straighten teeth, but there are also some people who also choose to shape rabbit teeth with dental veneers. Because rabbit teeth are considered to be able to make a smile more beautiful and beautiful. And many artists also have shapes like these rabbit teeth.

If you want to do dental veneer treatment at a Bali dental clinic and are looking for a dentist in Bali who is professional and good at doing dental veneer treatment, Smile By Sulastry can help you in doing dental veneer treatment, because we have been supported by professional doctors and experts in in the dental care field and has had a lot of experience in performing dental care for patients.

What Should You Do After Wear Dental Veneers

After you have finished using the dental veneer procedure, you can usually go straight home or resume activities. Your doctor will usually give you certain food or drink restrictions, as well as recommendations regarding the treatment of your veneers so that they last a long time and don’t spoil quickly. For example:

  • Avoid excessive consumption of colored foods and drinks. Such as coffee, tea, soda, or turmeric which can have an effect on the color of your veneers. These foods can slowly change the color of the veneer over the long term.
    Stay away from consuming foods that are too hard and bite them with teeth that have been fitted with veneers, to prevent the veins from breaking.
  • Clean teeth regularly. For example, brushing your teeth at least twice a day and using dental floss to remove food debris from between your teeth.
  • Leftover food can cause irritation on the gums and teeth if not cleaned.
  • Routinely check dental health to the dentist. You should do this step at least every six months so that the health of the oral cavity is always maintained.

That was the discussion about what is a dental veneers and things should you know about it. If you are confused about which one should you use for dental veneers, you can consult us or come directly to our clinic Smile By Sulastry.


A Panic Moment: Orthodontic Treatment Relapse!

A Panic Moment: Orthodontic Treatment Relapse!

It’s the best day ever in your Orthodontic treatment to relapse. You’ve been finished 90% of your Orthodontic treatment, your teeth are aligned, and it’s time to take the braces off!! You provided with a new retainer that you make on your good word that you will wear it every day and take care of it.

Months pass and you can’t remember when was the last time you wear it, suddenly you look at the mirror and noticed that your teeth have shifted! It’s a panic moment and you call your orthodontist immediately.

Periodontal tissues require time, usually about one year, to reorganize and solidify after treatment. Then bone and tissues need to adjust to the new position of teeth. Retainers facilitate this adjustment and protect teeth from forces that contribute to relapse in the future.

The risk of relapse is always present. There are many factors that contribute to this process such as teeth grinding, genetics, tooth loss, and age. So, how to protect the investment you’ve made in orthodontic treatment? A retainer is an answer.

When the orthodontist treatment to relapse job finished, your job is starting, and it’s a lifetime commitment.

There are many types of retainers available, including removable Hawley and Essix retainers and fixed retainers.
Image result for orthodontic retailers image result for orthodontic retainers

Image result for fixed retainers

Hawley retainers are made of acrylic and metal. Essix retainer is a clear plastic retainer that resembles Invisalign aligners. It’s discreet and fits precisely over each tooth and meets the aesthetic needs of teens and adults. Fixed retainers offer permanent retention through lightweight wires that are bonded to the backside of teeth. Maintenance is key to proper retainer use. Removable retainers are easy to keep clean and easier to keep your oral hygiene good.

A fixed retainer is more comfortable to use since you don’t need to put it on every day, but need to clean the teeth properly as food debris often trapped between wire and tooth. Which retainer is suitable for you? Have a consultation with your orthodontist about it. The final result of these retainers is the same as long as you commit to wearing them.

However, patients have to promptly visit their orthodontist for treatment for relapse for follow-up, retainer repair, or replacement.

Finally, Good luck with your retainer!

read to Self Ligating Brackets Answering my Patients Question