Dental Requirements That Can’t Be Used With Veneers

Dental Requirements That Can’t Be Used With Veneers

Dental Requirements That Can Be Used With Veneers – Having white, clean, and ideal teeth is the dream of many people. They are willing to carry out various treatments in order to get an attractive appearance. One of them is with dental veneers. However, not everyone can do it. There are several conditions that you must meet before using veneers.

Dental veneers are a type of dental treatment. Done by coating the surface of the teeth with certain materials. The goal is that your teeth look whiter and the size is ideal. Dental veneers are generally made of porcelain and resin composites.

Although veneers are quite popular for getting perfect teeth, this treatment has certain conditions that must be met. What do veneers look like? Following are the requirements for dental veneers that must be considered.

Also Read What is Dental Veneers? Thing You Should Know About It

1. Teeth with Thin Enamel

If you have fairly thin tooth enamel, this condition is less than ideal. Not ideal due to the lack of a retention area.

The enamel coating is one of the important elements for the installation of dental veneers and is very important in the bonding process between veneers and teeth. If you force it, the veneer will come off easily.

2. Steeped Teeth Position

If your position is very steep, this position of the teeth will make it difficult to grind the teeth and fix the veneers. This is because there is a part of one of your teeth that needs to be sharpened more than the other teeth.

Another problem is that your veneers will make heavy contact with the antagonist of the teeth. So that the veneers that you install will be vulnerable to breaking.

3. Teeth gap too far

The condition of your teeth is far apart and too far? If you have a dental condition like this, you should not avoid veneers treatment. If forced, the teeth will look so wide that they look unnatural. This of course will interfere with appearance. Especially your facial appearance later.

In addition, the veneer will come off easily because it is too big or wide.

4. Poor Oral Hygiene

Poor oral hygiene, as well as dental problems such as tartar, cavities, and even remaining root teeth that are not extracted are not recommended to wear dental veneers.

Because this can cause caries and bad breath at the bottom of the veneer due to poor hygiene.

If you have periodontal disease, applying veneers will make the condition worse, and can even cause infection in your gums.

5. Bad Habits like Clenching and Bruxism

Bruxism is the habit of unconsciously grinding, rubbing, or pressing the teeth up and down, or right to left. If you have a habit of clenching and bruxism, it has the potential to make veneers fall off and break easily.

Meanwhile, clenching is the habit of clenching the teeth in the lower and upper jaw with excessive pressure. These two habits can cause heavy contact between the upper and lower teeth so that your veneers will break easily.

6. Sensitive Teeth

The next requirement for dental veneers is that the teeth are not sensitive. If you have a very sensitive tooth condition. We recommend that you delay the veneer treatment first.

Perform previous treatments, such as changing special toothpaste for sensitive teeth and other treatments at the dentist.

7. Bad Habit of Biting

If you have bad habits, such as biting nails, ice cubes, or other objects, it can also affect veneer care. As a result, the veneer can shake even more badly as it can come off.

Those are the conditions or Dental requirements that can’t be used with veneers. Another thing to remember, dental veneer treatment does not make teeth healthier and free from dental disease. Therefore, veneer users still need to have their teeth checked regularly to maintain your dental veneers.

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