Benefits of Tooth Extractions That You Can Get

Benefits of Tooth Extractions That You Can Get

Benefits of Tooth Extractions – Tooth extraction is basically a simple process. Tooth should be extracted when they are so badly damaged. Even though it seems terrible, there are various benefits of tooth extraction that can be obtained. If not removed, the damaged tooth can interfere with the health of the other teeth. Like the oral cavity, or even the whole body.

Take it easy, tooth extraction is not as scary as imagined. Tooth will be pulled out after anesthetic and the anesthetic is sure to work. However, in some cases it is necessary to cut the gums to make the teeth easier to remove.

If your tooth has been successfully extracted, the dentist will place gauze or cotton wool over your tooth extraction to help stop the bleeding. The time it takes to pull a tooth depends on the level of difficulty, usually around 10 minutes at the fastest. And the pain it causes is not very painful.

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Various Benefits of Tooth Extractions

As said before, the tooth extraction process doesn’t hurt. But it has various benefits that you can get. Surely you don’t want cavities to stay on your gums forever. Therefore it is advisable to go to the dentist immediately. For the sake of pulling out the teeth so as not to cause gum disease. Here are some of the benefits you will get if you pull out a problematic tooth.

1. Prevent the risk of infection

If you pull out a tooth, you will be able to prevent infection of the pulp. This pulp is the root in your tooth that contains nerves. If there is a cavity or damage to your tooth, the bacteria can enter the pulp and can cause a severe infection.

Some cases of infected pulp can be treated with root canal therapy. However, in some cases, root canal therapy and antibiotic use have not helped. So, removal needs to be done so that the infection does not spread.

Apart from that, removal is also necessary if your immune system is weak. Like if you are undergoing chemotherapy or an organ transplant. This is important because infections that are supposed to be mild can become very severe if your immune system becomes weak.

2. Relieves Pain in The Gums

Persistent pain in the teeth and gums can be caused by several things. For example, infected tooth cavities, gum infections, and tooth fractures. This continuous pain can greatly interfere with your activities and even sleep. So that is the main sign that your teeth need to be removed.

3. Prevent sinus disorders

Apart from disturbing the health of the oral cavity, dental problems can also lead to sinus problems. Which results in headaches due to sinus pressure and nasal congestion. You are advised to remove the problematic tooth. So that you will also avoid sinus problems and nasal congestion.

4. Prevents Problems Due to Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth generally don’t grow until your 20s. And there are already about 28 adult teeth in the mouth. At this age, there is usually no room for the molars to grow properly. There are several cases that arise, but only in part.

What causes it to happen is the forced contact of the molars with other teeth. In this condition, the newly emerged molars will push against the other teeth and cause intense pain.

In addition, teeth that appear only partially tend to be difficult to clean. And can be a build-up of bacteria that has the potential to develop into plaque that causes infection. Possible disorders include abscess, gingivitis, and dental caries.

Therefore, wisdom teeth are better removed when they start to emerge. To avoid various diseases that have been mentioned earlier.

Tooth extraction is a medical procedure that is performed on the basis of the patient’s interest and benefit. Almost all medical procedures have risks. Tooth extraction also risks causing complications, such as infection, slow healing process, pain, and numbness.

But you don’t need to worry too much, because these complications are generally temporary and not permanent. The dentist will also make preparations and provide drugs to anticipate and prevent complications from happening to you.

So, if you have a condition or disorder in the mouth and teeth area, don’t hesitate to consult your dentist. In order not to be late and it can even cause more tissue problems. Not all treatments have to involve removing the tooth. Of course, the dentist will suggest the best treatment for your condition. With the Benefits of Tooth Extractions that you can get, it can convince you to pull out your teeth and don’t hesitate anymore.


Tips For Relieving Toothache Due to Braces

Tips For Relieving Toothache Due to Braces

Tips For Relieving Toothache Due to Braces – Do you feel pain when you put your braces on? Getting pain after using dental braces is a natural thing. Because, the pressure on your teeth is increasing and firmer than before. In addition, the factors vary according to age, stress level, and gender.

Literally, this pain will naturally go away without any action. This is not something dangerous. Gradually you will get used to this pressure, the pain will disappear, and you can chew as usual.

However, if you really can’t stand up with the pain, you can see and do a few tips for relieving toothache due to braces below to reduce the pain.

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1. Eat Foods That Have a Soft Texture

The worst pain caused by braces usually occurs within the first 24-72 hours of placing the braces. During the first few days, eat very soft foods that don’t need to be chewed a lot until you are more accustomed to eating with braces.

Examples of soft foods that you can choose from Indonesia are commonly like porridge, team rice, boiled potatoes, eggs, fish meat, macaroni, yogurt, smoothies, pudding, and others.

Avoid hard foods such as crackers, fried foods, hard fruit like apples, and firm snacks. Also avoid sticky foods such as candy, this will make you even more uncomfortable because it can stick to the braces or teeth.

2. Choose Cold or Frozen Foods

Drinking cold water is a practical way to relieve the discomfort you feel after tightening the braces. The cold temperature gives a sensation like numbness around the mouth.

The cold temperature also helps reduce inflammation of the gums that are sore. In addition, ice cream can also relieve mouth pain because it is numbing.

3. Stay Away From Foods and Drinks That Contain Sour

Sour drinks and foods can irritate any sores in your mouth. This can encourage bacteria to multiply more rapidly around the braces.

Therefore, reduce sour foods and drinks such as oranges and strawberries or lime juice after tightening the braces at the dentist.

4. Try to Consume Medicine to Relieve Pain

When the pain can no longer show, take pain relievers. You can try taking pain medication an hour before you get your braces in place at the doctor. This will reduce the achiness and discomfort you will feel after you tighten the braces.

Pain relievers are usually available over the counter at pharmacies, but are prescribed to follow the instructions for use on the drug label. It is not recommended to take long-term pain relievers due to overuse

5. Gargle With Salt Water

Braces usually cause sores on the inner cheeks, lips, and gums. This is what makes you even more uncomfortable. To reduce it, you can rinse your mouth with salt water to soothe a sore mouth.

Salt water can soothe your mouth and treat any sores that may result from braces rubbing against the inside of your cheeks.

The method is very easy, namely by mixing a teaspoon of salt with a glass of warm water until it dissolves.

Then gargle with this solution. You can gargle several times a day, then gargle with plain water. Remember, don’t swallow the water.

6. Compress With Warm Water

If the jaw still hurts after trying the various methods above, this one method can be a lifesaver. Compress the affected area with a cloth dampened in hot water. Place it against the sore cheek, chin, or jaw.

Compress and press gently. Warm compress for a few minutes until the pain subsides a little.

Those were some tips for relieve toothache due to braces. I hope this article is useful. See you later..

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