Dental Crown Tips, Before And After You Using It

Dental Crown Tips, Before And After You Using It

Dental Crown Tips – Dental crowns are a kind of “flap” that are commonly placed on teeth for a variety of reasons. Usually this tool is used to help restore tooth shape, support a tooth bridge, protect a tooth that was once filled, or to prevent discoloration of the tooth. Like crowns, dental crowns function to improve appearance and protect teeth from further damage.
The structure of the teeth is very strong if cared for very well. Usually, teeth take a very long time to be broken. However, some conditions can lead to tooth decay or breakage, such as a badly damaged tooth or an injury that can result in a tooth fracture.
However, there are some problems that can arise from wearing dental crowns, most of which can be prevented by applying these dental crown tips.

1. Choosing the Right Materials

Before installing a dental crown, it’s a good idea to consider and choose the right materials so that later mistakes do not occur.

a. Checking Color

Before deciding to use a permanent dental crown, the dentist will definitely check and match the color of the crown with the teeth so that it looks natural. Your doctor should consult with you to get your approval of the choice. Use a mirror to look at the mouth around the teeth and assess their similarity in color. Do not hesitate to refuse the choice of a dentist if you do not agree with the doctor’s wishes, this is your mouth and you have the right to be satisfied with the appearance of the crown that you want to choose.

b. Always Check the Shape of the Crown

Next is to make sure the shape of the tooth crown is correct. A crown that is precisely the shape of the tooth will touch the tooth on both sides so that no food is stuck in the area. A dental crown that is not properly made allows food to get stuck in the crevices of the teeth. A crown that is too large can cause jaw trauma from biting the adjacent tooth. This trauma can progress to pulpitis.

c. Choose Strong Cement

Your crown can come off as a result of using weak cement. With a new crown, the cement tends to feel strong, but the old crown is more likely to come off as the cement has weakened.

d. Avoid Using Porcelain Dental Crowns

Porcelain is generally very brittle, and porcelain dental crowns come off more easily than metal-based ones. Choose a zirconia metal crown that is stronger and should be tiled so that it looks like natural teeth.

2. Eat the Right Way

After you put on a dental crown, the next tip is to pay attention to the right food and not to eat just anywhere.
Avoid These Foods.

a. You should not eat foods that have a hard and sticky texture.

Examples of solid foods include raw vegetables, candies that can break a tooth crown. Examples of sticky foods include caramel or sticky rice.

b. Be careful with cold food or drinks

Particularly with metal crowns, you may experience a little pain or sensitivity in your teeth after inserting the crown. This sensitivity is usually felt in the gum line.

c. Chew Slowly

Dental crowns can be pressure sensitive. So you have to chew, do it slowly and gently. If you experience pain, even if it’s mild, stop chewing and eat less so it doesn’t get worse.

3. Tips Perawatan Lainnya

Gigi mahkota yang dipasang rata-rata dapat bertahan 10–20 tahun. Kualitas mahkota gigi sangat mahal pada cara perawatan kesehatan gigi. Hal-hal yang disarankan oleh dokter gigi ketika crown gigi baru dipasang adalah:

  • Jaga kebersihan gigi dengan menggosok gigi secara teratur serta gunakan benang gigi atau obat kumur.
  • Hati-hati saat sikat gigi dan flossing. Ketika flossing, hindari yang menarik benang ke atas karena dapat melepaskan crown gigi.
  • Kebiasaan yang dapat merusak gigi, seperti mengunyah es batu, menggigit kuku jari, atau membuka kemasan makanan dengan gigi.

References :

Dental Criteria That Can Use Braces For Maximum Results

Dental Criteria That Can Use Braces For Maximum Results

Dental Criteria That Can Use Braces – Braces are commonly used to straighten teeth that aren’t in alignment. To keep their teeth looking tidy, many people put on braces and hope that their teeth can look tidier and aligned.

Quoted from Carefreedental, many teenagers also dread being told that they need dental braces and some refuse to wear them altogether. While modern braces are a lot less conspicuous than some of the older products, they are still visible and they can cause problems for self-conscious teens. So, avoid the drama and keep a close eye on your child’s dental health. Visit the dentist regularly and any signs of trouble will be treated before they become a major problem.

But before that, you must know about dental criteria that can use braces :

1. Crooked teeth

Crooked teeth that make the mouth difficult to squeeze, crooked teeth that make the gums and mouth bleed, or crooked teeth that make there a large cavity between the teeth. That does have to be fixed using braces.

2. Incisors that grow outward

Tom Cruise is one of the artists who put braces to improve the shape of the incisors that grow out. Even though the teeth are now back in line, the composition of the teeth as a whole is still crooked.

Do not believe in that? Try to see him smiling broadly. The front incisors are not symmetrical with the midline on the face. But, that inclusion actually makes her smile even more seductive for girls.

3. Your teeth are too loose

Tooth loose like the teeth of the British is actually not a big problem. This condition occurs because the difference in the size of the jaw is large and the size of the teeth is relatively smaller than it should be.

For example, tooth loss really creates a crisis of self-confidence, worries about loose teeth, or even difficulty chewing, so the braces are important.

4. Your jaw isn’t symmetrical

Upper or lower teeth that are more advanced than the rest are usually accompanied by symmetrical discrepancies in the jaw. Not a condition to worry about because not everyone has a symmetrical jaw.

However, it needs to be rearranged with the installation of stirrups when this condition makes it difficult for someone to close their lips, talk, bite, and chew.

5. Your teeth can’t “bite”

Medically, the perfection of the bite can be checked with a simple test at the dentist. You will be asked to bite into a tracing sheet. From there, the dentist determines whether your bite is perfect or lopsided.

Even teeth that look neat are advised to put stirrups, for example this simple test shows the balance between the bite pressure at one point and another. If you leave it, it can affect the shape of the jaw and sometimes cause headaches.

Also Read Don’t Just Use Braces, You Must Know the 5 Benefits of Braces Below

Are There Alternatives to Braces?

Metal braces, ceramic braces, and invisible braces are the most common types of teeth straightening treatments. The only real alternative to orthodontic braces is teeth straightening surgery.

This surgery can be a minor procedure to change the way your teeth are aligned in your mouth. It can also be a more serious process whereby your jaw is surgically realigned to better accommodate speaking and chewing.

So that was the discussion about the dental criteria for teeth that can use braces, I hope this information is useful for all of you.

Don’t Just Use Braces, You Must Know the 5 Benefits of Braces Below

Don’t Just Use Braces, You Must Know the 5 Benefits of Braces Below

Quoted from – The trend of using braces or stirrups still persists today. Unfortunately, there are some people who use them because they want to look up to date and look glamorous, without knowing the true benefits of braces.

Even though its use is also not playing games, you know. Because dental placement has the aim of supporting your oral health condition and the neatness of your teeth.

Here is an explanation of the benefits of using braces or braces from the medical side below:

5 benefits of braces that you need to know before using them Braces are one of the tools used by orthodontists to straighten teeth.

You also need to know that orthodontists are different from regular dentists. Orthodontists are dentists who have specialized in orthodontics.

Orthodontics itself is a field that studies the aesthetics of the position of the teeth, jaw, and face. 

An orthodontist will usually advise his patients to use braces if needed to straighten the teeth, in order to get benefits such as:

Increase self-confidence

Orthodontists will advise their patients to straighten their teeth if they have tooth malocclusions that affect the shape of the face and the appearance of the teeth. Dental malocclusion itself is a condition where the jawbones and teeth are misaligned or messy.

These messy teeth can usually affect a person’s appearance and make him feel insecure. This condition is often called loose teeth. Not only tongues, but overlapping and crooked teeth are also included in tooth malocclusion.

Maintain cleanliness of teeth and mouth

The uses of braces are also closely related to oral and dental hygiene. The doctor will usually check the condition of the teeth that need straightening. 

If there is severe malocclusion of teeth, braces are usually recommended.

The reason is, in addition to improving the appearance of the face and beautifying the smile, straightening of the teeth is needed to make teeth easier to clean. A tooth that is not tidy will be more difficult to clean, so the risk of plaque buildup or tartar is higher than for those with neat teeth.

Protect and maintain healthy teeth

Continuing from the points above, teeth need to be trimmed to make them easier to clean and to prevent plaque buildup. Because dental plaque has accumulated and is allowed to become tartar. This can lead to tooth decay and lead to gum disease.

One of the diseases that can arise due to plaque buildup is periodontitis. Periodontitis, a gum infection that damages the tissue around the teeth, will cause various symptoms such as pain when chewing, swelling of the gums, and bleeding gums.

Align the jaw position

Unkempt teeth can lead to misalignment of the jaw. This condition will usually make a person have difficulty biting or chewing. That is why it is necessary to make efforts to straighten teeth, one of which is using braces.

With neat teeth, the jaw is aligned, it will increase the ability to bite. This will reduce the risk of digestive problems due to the chewing process that is not optimal.

Improve the way of speaking

In some cases, severe dental malocclusion can affect how a person speaks. This condition will usually affect a person’s level of self-confidence. That is why the benefits of braces are needed to restore a normal-sounding way of speaking.

Although dental malocclusion is not a dangerous disease, it affects some basic activities of daily activities and feels important to be corrected.

As additional information, you also need to know that braces or braces are not the only tools orthodontists commonly use to treat dental malocclusion. There are several other tools such as lingual braces (such as braces attached to the inside of the teeth), aligners, and also Invisalign.

See to another blog Beautiful teeth give you a charming smile

well that’s it 5 benefits of braces that you need to know before using them. Braces are one of the tools used by orthodontists to straighten teeth. 

Beautiful teeth give you a charming smile

Beautiful teeth give you a charming smile

Beautiful teeth give you a charming smile – The smile is the main part of the facial expression. Smiling can be done spontaneously, although sometimes a little forced. So, in order for our smiles to be perfect, healthy and charming, there are some main rules that must be followed. Bad speech by pulling the muscles at the corners of the mouth.

Quoted from That in the process of smiling and laughing, teeth are visible objects to those who see us. The yellowish-white color contrasts with the other colors of someone’s face. So how do you get a charming smile with beautiful teeth? This is inseparable from the bite and curvature of the teeth that the teeth have between the upper and lower jaws covering the condition

Smiling and laughing are the body’s natural responses to stimuli received by our sensory system. after the brain receives the signal and processes and orders the motor muscle movements of the body to respond. The muscles of the face move, the corners of the lips move upwards, followed by the appearance of teeth due to the open mouth or just a smile. Anatomically, the movement of the smiling lips forms an upward curving curve supported by the position of the teeth in our oral cavity.

In the process of smiling and laughing, teeth are visible objects for those who see us. The yellowish-white color contrasts with the other colors of someone’s face. So how do you get a charming smile with beautiful teeth? This is inseparable from the occlusion and curvature of the teeth that the teeth have between the upper and lower jaws, including the condition of the jaw (inter-arch) and jaw (intra-arch) although the definition is more often associated with the condition between the two jaws. The maxillary or maxillary jaw is static because the bony structure is attached to the skull bone, while the lower jaw is dynamic because it has a temporomandibular joint, allowing it to perform different directions of movement. this movement is what happens when we talk, open our mouths and laugh out loud. Beautiful teeth give you a charming smile

Occlusion between the good jaws according to dentistry, view of the position of the maxillary and mandibular molars, there are three types of occlusion proposed by Angle, namely the normal neutro-occlusion where the peak of the first protrusion is on the side of the lesions. first upper molars (mesiobuccal cusp M1) how many in the valley of the lower first molars (oral groove M1); disto-occlusion in which the upper jaw seems more advanced with the peak of the dorsal protrusion of the upper first molars (disto buccal cusp M1) in the valley of the lower first molars (oral groove M1); and mesio occlusion is a more advanced mandibular condition with the apex of the front protrusion of the upper first molars (mesiobuccal cusp M1) between the first and second molars (interdental M1 and M2). By evaluating this occlusion relationship, one can simply see whether a person has a good occlusion or a deviated occlusion. The examination can be continued by looking at the position of the jaw connection, namely the angular tracing on the x-rays, to see if the abnormality is from the position of our skull bones or from the position of the teeth alone.

In occlusion, the teeth were also seen in the arrangement of the same jaw. Displacement or rotation of teeth often occurs, usually due to imperfections caused by the extracted tooth or a hole in the side of the tooth causing movement. It is also necessary to check the direction of growth of wisdom teeth at the age of 18-21 as they tend to grow sideways which pushes the other teeth so that the arrangement of the dental arch becomes messy. In cases where the classification of the occlusion is normal, with a slightly irregular arrangement of the teeth, the treatment is not too difficult, using only loose braces. In patients diagnosed with occlusion deviations, or in patients diagnosed with occlusion irregularities, or in normal occlusion but the alignment of the teeth requires quite difficult maintenance, a printed orthodontic appliance is used (braces).

Maintaining and improving the occlusal relationship and the arrangement of the teeth will result in a better position of the teeth. Of course, this can add to the aesthetic value of a person, but not only looking at the relationship, the teeth must also be in optimal health. Maintaining optimal dental health will prevent the teeth from becoming cavities and having the correct color. Here are some tips that can be done to maintain the health and appearance of teeth.

1. Brush your teeth at most twice a day, especially in the evening before going to bed

The process of brushing teeth is essential for maintaining healthy teeth and mouth. Choose a toothbrush that is not too hard so as not to irritate the soft tissues of the oral cavity. Brushing your teeth will clean the surface of your teeth, debris and dental plaque, which can reduce bacterial colonization. The process of demineralization of the tooth surface by bacteria, because a lot of debris and sugar as substances necessary for bacteria cause cavities. The night before going to bed, brush your teeth as the time spent sleeping saliva is reduced (circadian rhythm) so that the self-cleaning effect is also minimal. Keeping teeth clean is an optimal step in maintaining dental health.

2. Use dental floss to clean the interdental area

Dental floss can be used to clean between teeth so that any stuck food can be lifted into the teeth with a clutter. cleaning the internal tooth area is also good for keeping the gums free from inflammatory reactions. Like plaque or stuck dirt is a foreign object that can cause inflammation of the gum tissue which is reddish and bleeds easily.

3. Drink plenty of water and eat fibrous foods Drinking water and consuming fibrous foods increases the water content of the body

Saliva that is not too thick will give a better cleaning effect on teeth and oral cavity. Drink water after consuming thick drinks such as milk, coffee, and tea. Coffee and tea contain dyes that can cause teeth to turn yellow, and drinking water can reduce this effect.

4. Check-up at the dentist

Be diligent in seeing the dentist at least every 6 months. under certain conditions, food waste can mineralize to form tartar (tartar). Tartar cannot be cleaned with the usual cleaning process but requires tools belonging to dentists

5. Stay confident and smile

The connection of the teeth can be improved, for example by using orthodontic tools, and the condition of the teeth can be treated by maintaining the health of the oral cavity. but the most important thing is to stay confident and love yourself the best you can. Beautiful teeth give you a charming smile


Read another blog

A Panic Moment: Orthodontic Treatment Relapse!

Porcelain Veneer Euphoria A New Trend

Porcelain Veneer Euphoria A New Trend

Porcelain Veneer A New Trend? Porcelain veneers are the quick-fix route to a perfect Hollywood smile. Hiding all manner of imperfections.

What is Veneers?

A Porcelain Veneer A New Trend is a layer of material placed over a tooth, either to improve aesthetics or to protect the tooth surface from damage. There are two main types of veneer material; composite and dental porcelain.
we will talk about composite veneer in my next article.

A dental porcelain veneer is a porcelain shell that covers the front surface of the teeth to improve their appearance. It can be used for discolored tooth, chipped/cracked tooth, correct minor spacing or spacing after orthodontic treatment. You even can get one set of veneers for a beautiful smile.

Is Veneer a New Technology?

Veneers were invented by California dentist Charles Pincus in 1928 to be used for a film shoot for temporarily changing the appearance of the actor’s teeth. It’s not a new technology.

How are teeth been prepared for Veneers?

Unlike the crowns, veneers require little preparation before being placed. The amount of enamel removed will be the same as the thickness of veneers to be fitted. Often no anesthetic required. After preparation, the dental team will take an impression (mold). This will be sent to a technician with any other information needed to make the veneer. Then, It will be bonded permanently in place and it can be last for seven to twenty years.

What are the veneer’s advantages and disadvantages?

Advantages of Veneers:
* Natural-looking teeth.
Porcelain veneers mimic the light reflecting of natural teeth. They made very thin and translucent.

* Correct multiple imperfections
Porcelain veneers can improve the shape, color, and position all at once

* Preparation
Tooth preparation for veneers require the removal of less tooth structure than a full crown

* Quick
It just takes two or three appointments

* Stain resistant
It’s easy to keep clean and porcelain resist the classics stain of coffee, tea, smoking, and soft drinks

The disadvantage of Veneers:
Veneers will probably need to replace either due to failure and their temporary sensitivity because the enamel has been removed.

When Veneers would be unfit for me?

Do you have any of these conditions: high tooth decay, gum recession, exposure of the root of the tooth, severely rotated or overlapped teeth, severely discolored, large existing restorations, habitual teeth grinding(bruxism). Some cases may require orthodontic treatment or others before veneers. I suggest you have a consultation with your dentist before you deciding to have dental Porcelain Veneer A New Trend.

Read to Self Healing Teeth – Is it Possible?

Self Ligating Brackets Answering My Patients Question:

Self Ligating Brackets Answering My Patients Question:

Self Ligating Brackets (SLB)

There are many factors that come to deciding what Orthodontic treatment is appropriate for your needs and better to visit the dentist and having a completed examination and consultation. Some of these factors come from personal desires such as; how much is your budget, how long you would like to be in braces, and your aesthetic requests.

Bracket system types areas: Traditional (metal) brackets, Self Ligating Brackets, Ceramic Brackets, Lingual brackets and even Aligning trays (Invisalign). Each of them has its pros and cons. On this page, we discussed Self Ligating Brackets (SLB) compared to Traditional brackets. Both of them achieve the same results but SLB easier to tolerate.

The Looks

Traditional brackets use ligation which means making a tie. The wire is held in place by use of ties; either metal or rubber ligature. The rubber ligature is interchangeable colored make braces personalized and fun, as well as, perform an important function in the tooth movement process.
Self-ligating brackets eliminate the need for rubber or metal ties and instead use a permanently installed moveable component to entrap the wire.

How do they work?

The traditional bracket uses a process in which you have to return every 4-6 weeks to tightened and repositioned ligature to pull the teeth. The elastomeric ligation causes a bit of friction during the movement process.
SLB doesn’t utilize elastomeric ligation (rubber ties) so there is no friction through the bracket. SLB works by using a tiny spring-loaded door to maintain pressure on the archwires. This process applies pressure to the system to gently adjust the teeth to the desired position. Thus, the need for tightening is eliminated which means fewer visits.

Tooth Extractions

Some articles said with SLB tooth extraction is not typically necessary on the other hand Traditional braces mostly need extractions. Based on my experiences, it depends on how much space do you need to align your teeth. Both of these braces could need extractions and could be not.

Treatment time and Chair time

The treatment time for SLB is faster due to the ease of movement, therefore, if you are looking for the most efficient system that will get you in and out faster, this system is suitable for you. SLB eliminates chair time and easy for clinicians to doing adjustments.


SLB comes in both clear and metal so it can match your aesthetic desire. While SLB is less visible than Traditional brackets.

Cleaning and Oral Hygiene

Cleaning your teeth absolutely important while you get orthodontic treatment. SLB brackets are easier to clean than traditional brackets.

Less Pain?

Based on a study by Tecco S ( Eur J Orthod. August 2009), patients treated with conventional brackets reported significantly more ‘ constant’ pain than those treated with Self Ligating Brackets who complained of ‘ chewing/biting’ pain.
Another thing to consider is the tolerance pain level of a patient, it’s individual.

Any treatment no matter what you choose is better than no treatment. You can contact me and have an appointment for a free consultation. You are worth a beautiful smile!

Click for Print your Crown or your Implant? Why not?


Print your Crown or your Implant? Why not?

Print your Crown or your Implant? Why not?

3D printing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file. The Digital file itself comes from 3D scanners or 3D Impressions that I discussed in my last article.

How does 3D Printing work?

To make a crown and your implant starts from a virtual design of the object we want to make. this design is a CAD (Computer-Aided Design) file. CAD file created using a 3D modeling application or with a 3D scanner. The digital object Crown and your implant is divided into horizontal slices by the desired layer thickness and then created by laying down the sequential slide layers of material until the complete object is formed.

There are 3 types of 3D printing: Extrusion, Granular/ powder-based, and Light Polymerization.
3D printing takes the efficiencies of digital design to the production stage. By combining oral scanning, CAD/CAM design, and 3D printing, dental labs can accurately and rapidly produce crowns, bridges, stone models, a range of orthodontic appliances, even in surgery such as dental implants, manufacture of dental craniofacial and orthopedic implants, and the fabrication of copings and frameworks for implants and dental restorations. 3D printing can produce smaller feature sizes with no restriction on part geometry.

Joseph DeSimone, the CEO of the 3D printing company Carbon 3D and a professor of chemistry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, announced that a breakthrough technology allows teeth to be printed in 6,5 minutes. It’s amazing! Going to the dentist will take a longer time on your ride than the chairside process itself!

Unfortunately, Only 10% of dentists use a CAD/CAM machine, however, even though the technology has been available for years. The learning curve can be steep, and most dentists still prefer to leave the work to skilled technicians in dental labs.