Foods That You Can and Can’t Eat After Wearing Braces

Foods That You Can and Can’t Eat After Wearing Braces

Foods That You Can and Can’t Eat After Wearing Braces – You decide to use braces? Then you also have to start paying attention to the type of food you eat. Some types of food can get caught in the crevices. It can be too hard to affect the position of the braces. Even cause damage to the braces and the area of ​​the teeth around it.

Using braces is not without challenges. When the braces are installed by the dentist, pain and even irritation around the teeth and gums can occur. It can take several days to weeks to adapt until you are comfortable with the appliance.

In addition, another adjustment that may be difficult is avoiding certain types of foods that may be your favorite foods.

Maintaining a diet, dental and oral care is important for patients who have recently worn braces. One of them is don’t eat carelessly.

Also Read Types of Braces and the Best Choice for You

Anything that should be eaten while wearing braces?

The type of food that can be consumed when using braces is food that is normally textured to soft.

1. Cooked vegetables

For stirrup users, most raw vegetables are usually too tough to eat right away. But, don’t worry. You can still work around this by boiling, steaming, or cooking these vegetables until they are soft in texture. This method is quite effective if you want to eat hard vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, and cucumbers.

2 Eggs

Eggs have a texture that is soft enough for braces users so that they are safe for consumption every day. You also don’t need to worry about running out of ideas when cooking eggs, because these nutrient-rich food ingredients can be processed into various delicious and healthy dishes. For example, scrambled eggs, beef eye eggs, to cheese and peppers filled omelette.

3. Mashed potatoes

Mashed potatoes make a great carbohydrate alternative to rice, especially during the first few days of using the braces. This food is very easy to make and can be created into a variety of interesting dishes so you don’t get bored quickly. Only after the braces is strong enough and the pain in the teeth gradually disappears, you can try eating boiled potatoes which have a denser texture.

Foods that should be avoided when using braces

The following foods should be avoided as they can affect the position and function of the braces.

1. Chewy and Sticky Food

Chewy textured foods such as chewing gum or other chewy candies can stick to the cracks of your braces.

If it sticks, it will be difficult to clean and can make it easier for bacteria to breed. Therefore, you should avoid this type of food.

2. Hard Textured Food and Fruits

Chewing popcorn, potato chips, crackers is best avoided if you use braces. In addition, vegetables and hard fruit should not be consumed for a while. For example, guava, raw carrots, and corn.

Fruit is an important element in a balanced nutritious diet, but you have to adjust the type of fruit consumed while using the stirrup. Stirrup that sticks to the teeth will affect the ability to chew. Meanwhile, avoid hard fruits such as apples, pears, peaches, and unripe fruits.

These vegetables and fruits can make braces break easily and can come off. You can work around this by cutting them into smaller pieces so that they are easier to chew and eat.

Or you can steam the vegetables first to make them softer when eaten.

3. Sweet Food

You should limit the consumption of sugary foods and drinks while you are undergoing braces treatment. When sugar mixes with saliva, it can create a sticky coating that sticks to the surface of the teeth.

Although brushing can remove plaque, it becomes more difficult when you use braces. If the plaque is not brushed properly, there is a risk of tooth decay on your teeth.

4. Nuts and Seeds

Most of the nuts and seeds can actually be consumed by braces users. However, there are also types of nuts and seeds that you should avoid, such as dry corn, wheat, peanuts, almonds. Not only hard, this food ingredient can also get stuck between the cracks of the stirrup and difficult to remove.

Maintaining good dental habits when using braces is one way to avoid breakage. Always make sure that you brush your teeth at least twice a day. Do it after eating and at night before going to bed.

Pay extra attention to the space around your braces and get rid of any food debris stuck inside. Use a special toothbrush for stirrup users or a toothbrush with soft bristles.

That’s it articles about foods that you can and can’t eat after wearing braces, hope this articles will help you to maintain your braces!

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Tips for Choosing The Color of Braces

Tips for Choosing The Color of Braces

Tips for Choosing The Color of Braces – Using a braces is one solution for those of you who feel less confident with untidy teeth. Not only for beauty, stirrups are also often needed in order to keep teeth healthy and not easily damaged. But do you know how to choose a good brace color?

Teeth are one of the first points of view of the face that will make people’s eyes fixed on that part. Messy, untidy teeth will certainly make you less confident. Relax, you can fix this by installing dental braces.

Installing braces, of course, cannot be arbitrary because it must be adjusted to the condition and needs of the patient’s teeth. However, in terms of color, you can choose any color type that is suitable for use in order to remain confident.

Besides looking stylish with your braces, it’s also important to feel comfortable wearing them. For this reason, choose the most suitable color for your own personality. The trick is to choose braces that make your teeth look bright and white. Come on, let’s immediately see the recommendations for you.

Also Read Types of Braces and the Best Choice for You

Things to Consider When Choosing the Color of Teeth Braces

Maybe you will be a little confused when it comes to choosing the color of braces. Even though you are excited, in the end you are upset because there are so many choices. Therefore, with a few things in mind, you can make it easier to choose. Here are some things to consider:

  • Think about your diet every day. What are your eating and drinking habits like? If you frequently drink coffee or eat brightly colored fruits, like strawberries or dragon fruit, for example, this can stain your braces.
    Pay attention to your teeth. Because, the color of each person’s teeth is different. Well, what is clear, if you want to make your teeth appear whiter, choose a dark stirrup. These braces will make your teeth appear brighter and whiter.
  • Pay attention to the color you like. The reason is, you may want to choose a color that makes your teeth look white. However, from the color choices, there is nothing you like. You may not be comfortable wearing braces in a color that is not your favorite. You are free to choose any color of stirrup, the most important thing is comfortable.
  • Dark colors do make teeth appear white. This is for sure. But be careful in choosing the color type. Colors like green and dark brown can give the impression that food is stuck in your teeth. Not too cool, right, at this rate. So be careful in choosing.

Tips for Choosing The Color of Braces

When deciding to install braces, in addition to choosing the right type of braces, you must also pay attention to a good color and suitable for appearance. Here are some tips for choosing the right braces color.

1. Check the color wheel

Consult with your dentist in advance regarding the available color wheels. Choose the lighter color wheel gradient of the stirrup. For experimental experiments you can try by choosing a color and attaching it to the mouth using a stirrup.

Select and try one by one the color wheel for the stirrup then position it on the tooth image. You will also get an idea of ​​how it will look when using the color of the stirrup later.

2. Natural color

If you want to find a safe option so that the color of the braces doesn’t interfere with your appearance, you can choose natural colors. Colors that are not the color you like may be immediately removed from the list of color choices that will be taken.

White and black are also not recommended as they will make your teeth appear stained with food stains. You can consider colors like dark blue and dark purple to make your teeth appear whiter.

3. According to skin color

Skin type and hair color will determine the overall appearance of your face including the color of the braces that will appear later. As much as possible, don’t use colors that contrast or clash with your skin type and hair color.

For dark skin, gold, turquoise, dark blue, orange, magenta, pastel blue, and pink or purple are more appropriate. As for skin that tends to be light, it is more suitable to use grayish blue, metallic brown, bright red, and salmon.


Not all colors are suitable for everyone. Some of the colors may look good on one person but it translates to disaster for you.

  • White braces sound like a great option, but they can actually turn pale white after drinking and eating certain foods. They can also make your teeth appear more yellow, as your tooth enamel may not be as white as the bracelet.
  • Darker colors like dark purple and dark blue make your teeth appear whiter because they contrast with the natural color of your teeth. Be careful with dark colors, as dark green and dark brown can cause food to stick to your teeth.
  • Yellow and gold can accentuate the natural yellow color of your teeth, making them appear more yellow than they actually are.
  • Not everyone has the same tooth color. For people with yellow teeth, it is best to choose a clear or silver bracelet. For people with natural whites, it is best to go for black to make your teeth appear whiter.


Porcelain and Prepless Veneers, Know the Difference

Porcelain and Prepless Veneers, Know the Difference

Porcelain and Prepless Veneers – You deserve a smile that is naturally healthy. But sometimes, aesthetic problems can be one of the causes to get it. That’s why most people turn to veneers, which are tough dental covers that can help you if you suffer from tooth decay, cracked teeth, fissures, stains, or uneven bites. Although there are pros and cons when it comes to what material you choose for your veneer. But at this time, we will discuss two types of veneers, namely porcelain and prepless veneers, both of which are different in the procedure.

Also read Dental Requirements That Can’t Be Used With Veneers

Veneers in a short explanation

Veneers are strong yet thin shells, typically made of porcelain or a resin composite material that attaches to the front of your teeth. These tooth-colored coverings have several benefits:

  1. Veneers an alternative to removing teeth and don’t require anesthesia.
  2. Veneers are natural-looking and last for up to ten years if you maintain proper care.

So, what’s the difference between porcelain and prepless veneers? There are a few factors, but primarily the main difference lies in the placement procedure.

Porcelain veneers

Traditional porcelain veneers consist of several thin layers of ceramic material bonded together to form strong shells on your teeth. Your dentist will remove a small amount of your tooth enamel. It’s to make a room for the veneers when they are placed. The doctor will use a light sensitive resin over your teeth to bond the porcelain. Then finally place the shell against the tooth. The whole process takes place in three appointments, which involves consulting, straightening your teeth and making molds, and finally gluing the veneers to your teeth.

Prepless veneers

Once you know porcelain veneers, what are prepless veneers? Although they also consist of porcelain, preparated veneers only require your dentist to file a small amount of your teeth to prepare them to stick to the shell. This means less work in preparation for your dentist. You don’t have to remove the surface of your teeth. As such, the placement procedure can be faster and more comfortable than traditional veneers in general. Although the process is not very simple. In fact, with the right technology, your dentist can design and install veneers in one visit. If you are applying multiple veneers, it may take several visits to be up to 3 or even more.

There are several advantages to prepless veneers:

  1. The procedure is minimally invasive, pain free, and perhaps most importantly, you can preserve your tooth enamel.
  2. The enamel creates a strong adhesion to the resin, which creates a stronger overall veneer bond to ensure maximum durability.
  3. Prepless veneers are strong and durable. In fact, they can be very strong, but not stronger than your natural tooth enamel. Depending on the patient concerned and their dental routine, prepless veneers can last up to a decade or even longer.
  4. Very thin pieces of porcelain are carefully crafted to match the natural color of your teeth. Each veneer is bonded to each tooth with cement to make a straight, uniform cut. If something goes wrong, the prepless veneer can be easily renovated to get an accurate and attractive appearances.
  5. Prepless veneers don’t stain, but they don’t clean on their own. Regular preventive care is sufficient to keep these veneers clean. Such as brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing your teeth every day, and scheduling regular check-ups as usual to your dentist.
  6. Dental veneer treatment aims to remove as little natural tooth structure as possible to fit the veneer. Several factors can affect the preparation of your teeth for this procedure. This includes the position of your teeth and their condition. However, the qualifications for prepless veneers are not to much.


Taking care of your veneers is very important in the future. Although veneers can last for years, they are still susceptible to damage due to irreparable peeling of porcelain. You must replace the damaged veneer completely. Veneers are also prone to stains, just like your natural teeth. Stains appear on the surface of the veneer after regularly consuming drinks such as tea, coffee, wine.

Additionally, smokers tend to make yellow to brownish stains on their veneers. If you treat veneers in the same way as regular teeth, your veneers will be in excellent condition. In addition to avoiding biting hard objects or opening packaging with your teeth, be sure to brush your teeth twice a day with fluoridated toothpaste and clean between your teeth daily with dental floss, water floss, or other interdental cleaning tools. If the staining and discoloration gets worse, schedule a consultation with your dentist immediately.

You deserve a bright, confident smile. And with today’s advancement, you now have many options for dealing with imperfections in your teeth. You are free to choose traditional veneers, unprepared veneers, or other types of dental procedures. Trust that taking one step to improve your teeth will increase your self-confidence.

References :


Types of Braces and the Best Choice for You

Types of Braces and the Best Choice for You

Braces are a way to straighten or move teeth, improving their appearance and how they work. It can also help you maintain healthy teeth and gums in the long term and make eating more comfortable, by spreading the bite pressure all over your teeth.

Braces work by applying pressure to the teeth, to slowly move them in the right direction. When the pressure comes into play, the bones in the jaw change to allow the teeth and roots to move.

Also Read Dental Criteria That Can Use Braces For Maximum Results

Types Of Braces

Most braces are made of metal, but some are made of ceramic or plastic. They are designed to be comfortable, but can rub your mouth or make it hurt. In addition, your teeth may feel tender or sore when they start moving. This problem usually doesn’t last long (a few days at most). This may happen at the start of your treatment or when your brace has been adjusted.

Your braces may feel big in your mouth at first, but it’s important to remember that your mouth will adapt and get used to it. They’re there to guide your teeth into new and proper positions, but they’ll only do this if you keep wearing them.

1. Metal Braces

Traditional braces or metal braces, made of high-grade stainless steel, are the most common type of braces. They have grown to be lighter and more comfortable than before. The metal brackets are attached to the teeth using orthodontic cement and connected together by curved wires. Small elastic ties are used to keep the archwire in place and can be silver or colored. As our patient, you have the option of customizing your traditional braces by adding colored elastic straps.

Metal braces is most popular with pediatric and adolescent patients. They work by attaching braces to teeth and connecting them with wires. The wires are tied to the braces using elastic binders, which are available in a variety of colors to choose from. To move your teeth, the orthodontist will make the wire adjustments you promised every 4-8 weeks.

2. Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces are braces made of clear, tooth-colored material. They work the same way as metal braces, but are more hidden and less visible. Ceramic braces are most popular with patients who think Invisalign or lingual braces are inappropriate, but still want to straighten their teeth in a discreet and affordable way. These patients tend to be aesthetically oriented adolescents and adults.

Compared to metal braces, ceramic braces are less visible and are an affordable alternative to metal braces. However, you should know that they are also slightly larger than metal braces and can stain depending on your diet and brushing habits.

3. Self-ligating Brace

Self-ligating braces work in conjunction with metal and ceramic braces and are available in metal or clear / ceramic materials. They also rely on braces and braces to move teeth. The difference between self-ligating braces compared to metal or ceramic braces is that self-ligating braces use a door or clip to hold the wire in place, not an elastic rubber band.

4. Lingual Braces

Also called inner braces, lingual braces are custom-made brackets designed to fit into the inner contours of each tooth. A wire holds the brackets together and pulls the teeth into position by pulling from the inside. Just as effective as standard outer braces, but take longer to fit as each bracket has to be custom made. Appointments with lingual braces may also need to be more frequent and take longer than traditional braces. Lingual braces may also be more difficult to keep clean and can affect speech in some patients.

This braces are most common among adults who are aware of their appearance with traditional braces, especially in the workplace. Lingual braces can hardly be detected but the user may need to wear a rubber band for people to see.

5. Invisalign

Invisalign is great for patients who had braces when they were young and just needed “repair”, as well as for patients who have mild to moderate dental problems such as misaligned teeth, large bites, no problems with jaw alignment, and who have gaps in the teeth. their front teeth (open bite). But any clear straightener system including Invisalign has significant limitations compared to braces when dealing with difficult problems or comprehensive care.

For more complex problems, lingual braces behind the teeth or a combination of Invisalign and lingual braces can offer a unique and aesthetic treatment solution. We can provide you with more personalized information on your free initial check.

Which is the right choice for you?

It’s not just the aesthetics of the braces that will determine which one you choose. There are several factors that you should consider including cost, cleanliness, and finish.


Some patients don’t have to worry about how they look with braces. They can stay self-conscious about braces long after everyone forgets them. However, if the appearance of braces is your concern, consider invisible or barely visible lingual or ceramic braces.


Some treatment options are more expensive than others. If you are not the one paying for them, you may want to check if some options are not possible due to the additional costs.

Due to the technology required to adjust brackets and the time it takes in the laboratory to make brackets, the cost of lingual braces is higher than other orthodontic treatments. Ceramic braces are more expensive than metal braces because of the material.


In most cases, orthodontic treatment works well, but you have to commit to your treatment for it to work. Follow the instructions given by your orthodontist.

When you wear braces, you have to be more careful about what you eat. To give your braces the best chance to improve your teeth, cutting back on sweet and sour foods is a must. This is because braces can trap food debris and cause more plaque to build up than usual. Plaque is a thin, sticky layer of bacteria that builds up on your teeth.



Facts About Teeth Whitening That Everyone Should Know

Facts About Teeth Whitening That Everyone Should Know

Facts About Teeth Whitening – Teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments. As the name suggests, it brightens your teeth and removes discoloration and stains from the surface of the teeth. This can enhance the appearance of your teeth in such a way that your smile can be even brighter.

Whiter teeth are in high demand. Almost all dentists provide you with a variety of professional teeth whitening treatments and whitening kits to take home.

There are also many teeth whitening products for you available with some of the most popular including whitening strips, whitening trays, and whitening toothpastes. However, using these teeth whitening products is considered less effective than going to the dentist.

Also Read Benefits of Teeth Whitening For Your Facial Appearance

Interesting Facts About Teeth Whitening

Before you decide to go visit your dentist for a whitening treatment, you can read some facts about teeth whitening for your teeth later.

1. Teeth are similar to your skin

If you think and think that the tooth is rock hard and because the tooth is impenetrable, then that is wrong. Your teeth are actually porous, containing thousands of tiny pores just like your skin. As a result, whatever you eat or drink gets absorbed into the teeth through these microscopic pores. The way teeth whitening treatments work is by creating a chemical reaction which in turn breaks and lifts the stain out and out through these same pores. So, without tooth pores there will be no teeth whitening.

2. Teeth whitening will not damage your teeth

Just like brushing your teeth aggressively and roughly, wrong methods of any kind can damage your teeth. However, if your teeth whitening is used as directed, then professional teeth whitening is very safe. The whitening process uses active ingredients to temporarily open the pores in your teeth and remove stains. After each whitening session, your teeth naturally remineralization and rehydrate.

3. The sensitivity after teeth whitening is completely normal

You may have thought that you had a teeth whitening treatment and were told that it was very painful. The problem is that many people suffer from sensitive teeth. This can be caused by genetic factors, cracked / damaged teeth or thinning enamel. However, many didn’t realize it at the time. So they went out and bought the next best over the counter product and went on to whiten their teeth.

On the other hand, if you choose professional teeth whitening, you will always be checked by your dentist or health care professional first. They will know from experience whether you will be sensitive to teeth whitening treatments and may even suggest resolving the problem before treatment begins. This way, when you finally get professional teeth whitening, the experience is still comfortable.

4. Tooth stains cannot be removed overnight

There is no product on the market that can whiten in a few minutes or a day. Chemically, it is unlikely that any bleaching agent can penetrate safely into teeth at such a rapid rate. If this were possible, dentists would not be well paid to make customized whitening trays. The bleaching process can take as little as 4 days to several months. Customers with severe stains need to be patient with the process and know that every bleaching session removes stains over the years. Once the stain is gone, it’s very easy to care for.

5. The key to good teeth whitening is the delivery method

Most whitening products use the same active ingredients but the main difference that makes a good vs bad teeth whitening treatment, is the method of delivery.

many over-the-counter whitening products use a one-size-fits-all tray that sits on top of the tooth. This is the container that holds the whitening gel. The problem is that all teeth are different. As a result consumers will often experience effective or uneven bleaching.

Conversely, if the tray is custom made to fit your teeth and is similar to the one in a professional whitening kit, you have a greater chance of getting a more even whitening effect.

6. Veneers and crowns won’t change teeth color after whitening

Materials used to make veneers and crowns are resistant to whitening treatments, as they only work on natural teeth. Since your dental restoration is colored to match your natural teeth at the time, this is something you may want to consider before proceeding with teeth whitening.

You can get a mismatch between your freshly bleached teeth and the restoration you did.

This is also another reason to visit your dentist to whiten teeth because he not only knows how teeth whitening works, but he can also identify which teeth should not be bleached and suggest alternative treatments.

7. Not all teeth can be made perfectly white

Did you know if the natural color of your teeth was set at birth? However you look at it this means that some people naturally have whiter teeth than others. Teeth whitening can only remove stains that occur over time and cannot change the base color of your teeth. So this is something you should look out for when hoping to achieve a dazzling white smile because that may not always be possible. You could say it’s like chasing a dream that is hard to achieve and whose presentation is small to happen.

So those are some facts about teeth whitening that you should know before going to the dentist for teeth whitening treatments.

References :

What are Dental Braces? Is it Good For Your Teeth?

What are Dental Braces? Is it Good For Your Teeth?

What are Dental Braces? Dental Braces are a way to straighten or move your teeth, to improve their appearance and the way they work. Braces can also help you maintain healthy teeth and gums in the long term and make eating more comfortable, by spreading the bite pressure all over your teeth. It should work by applying pressure to the teeth, to slowly move them in the right direction. As the pressure starts to work, the bones in the jaw change to allow the teeth and roots to move.

Dental Braces is commonly used by dentists in orthodontic treatment for a variety of reasons. One of its most common uses is to correct crooked or crooked teeth. Modern materials and technology make the experience of having braces much more comfortable.

Also Read Don’t Just Use Braces, You Must Know the 5 Benefits of Braces Below

Dental Braces

Traditionally, braces have been uncomfortable for first-timers. Braces are metal tools that are painful to wear and often cause sores on the inside of the mouth, leading to cuts and damage. In addition, braces are unsightly and braces are generally worn by teenagers and young adults. When wearing it can often cause a decrease in self-confidence.

But nowadays, braces are less visible in the mouth and less conspicuous. The brackets attached to each tooth are smaller or may be attached to the back of the teeth so they are less visible. In addition, brackets can be made of ceramic, plastic, metal or a combination of these materials and can also be made tooth-colored.

Braces come in two forms, they can be attached and worn at any time. In this case the patient can remove it if they wish.

Orthodontic treatment aims to move the teeth into a stable position. This is complex and requires a specialist’s understanding of where the tooth can be moved, and how.

The new position of your teeth should be stable. However, you should wear braces for as long as your dentist recommends. This will help stop your teeth from returning to their original place. Even though they do this only a little, you may be disappointed with the results.

You will also need to wear the retainer regularly for some time after your treatment is finished. This will stop your teeth from returning to their original position before the treatment.

Short Term Risk

Braces can create small spaces around the teeth that can trap food particles and will stain the teeth. If plaque deposits on the teeth are not removed then:

  • The loss of minerals on the outer enamel surface of your teeth, so that it can leave permanent whitish stains on your teeth
  • Tooth decay and gum disease

Long term risks

You may also get long-term risks such as:

  • The root length of the teeth is shorter. During tooth movement, part of the bone in the path of the moving tooth dissolves, while new bone is put behind it. Permanent loss of root length can occur during this process, which can cause the tooth to become less stable. However, in most cases, this doesn’t cause a problem.
  • Loss of correction. If you don’t follow your dentist’s instructions carefully after you have removed your braces, especially when using a device called a retainer, you may lose some of the correction gained when wearing braces.

How do you take care of your braces?

If you want to take care of braces, it is important to keep your teeth checked by your dentist, at regular check-ups. Both during your orthodontic treatment and after.

Clean your teeth carefully every day, don’t forget to clean between your teeth as much as you can. Braces are delicate and you have to clean them carefully so they don’t break. Your dental team will be able to show you how to do this for the type of brace you are wearing.

Reduce how much sugary foods and drinks you have and sticky foods that can stick between braces. That’s because sticky and hard food can damage your braces.

Brush your teeth twice a day, at night and at least once during the day. Use mouthwash if necessary. Your dentist may recommend a stronger fluoride toothpaste, or perhaps a fluoride gel or mouthwash, for you to use.

How Successful is The Use of Braces?

In most cases, these braces work well, but you will need to still follow directions from your dentist for this to work. Follow all the instructions given and you will get maximum results.

When you wear braces, you have to be more careful about what you eat and other things that can potentially damage your braces. To give your braces the best chance to improve your teeth, cut back on sweet and sour foods. This is because braces can trap food debris and cause more plaque to build up than usual. Plaque is a thin, sticky layer of bacteria that builds up on your teeth.

You should continue to visit your dentist regularly during your orthodontic treatment, as well as after your treatment is finished.

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