Types of Dental Care Through Medical Procedures

Types of Dental Care Through Medical Procedures

Types of Dental Care – Dental care through medical procedures with a doctor can help reduce damage to your teeth. Apart from daily habits in maintaining healthy teeth and mouth, this dental medical procedure is necessary for various serious dental and gum diseases.

Some medical procedures are carried out routinely such as tartar rooms, while others are performed when absolutely necessary. then, what are the types of dental care through this medical procedure?

Why Do You Need to Do Dental Care Through The Doctor?

Dental care through medical procedures can be done by dentists to cure toothaches, dental diseases, or just to improve the appearance of your teeth.

Your teeth can be permanent and can last a lifetime if you get good and proper dental care from an early age. But, if your toothache doesn’t go away then you need to take further action to go to the dentist.

The appearance of teeth that are not as desired also will not be easily changed just through daily habits. Therefore, it is highly recommended to see a dentist in order to solve your dental problems appropriately.

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Types of Dental Care

Medical procedures can be an alternative to treating your sore teeth. You can do this if the pain in your teeth doesn’t go away after a few weeks. The following are some of the medical procedures that doctors usually do to treat toothaches :

1. Tooth Filling

Tooth decay that causes holes can be treated with dental fillings. That need to be filled so that your teeth do not become damaged over time. If the cavity is left for a long time and no action is taken, it can affect the nerves of your teeth. If so, you will usually experience pain and tenderness that is so pronounced.

The holes in the teeth are cleaned, dried, and covered with filling materials. The filling material itself is available in various kinds. The doctor will definitely give you advice regarding the most suitable material to close the cavity in your tooth based on the size, shape, and location of the tooth cavity.

Tooth filling is also performed to treat other conditions, such as broken teeth, attrition and abfraction of the teeth (tooth hard tissue damage), as well as for people who will undergo root canal treatment.

2. Tooth Extraction

In the world of dental care, dental care through a tooth extraction procedure is called odontectomy. Tooth extraction is usually performed on teeth that have been loose, badly damaged or decayed.

Tooth extraction is usually also performed on wisdom teeth that are growing abnormally, such as crookedly or growing unevenly.

Wisdom teeth that grow abnormally can cause various problems with your teeth. If part of the wisdom tooth appears through the gum and part of it is still covered, the gums can feel pain until they are swollen.

The growth of wisdom teeth creates significant oral and dental problems, which is why it is highly recommended that they be extracted by means of a tooth extraction procedure.

3. Scaling

The doctor will usually perform a scaling procedure to clean and remove dirt on the teeth that have accumulated a lot.

The discharge can consist of food debris, plaque, and tartar caused by the accumulation of plaque and minerals from saliva.

To clean plaque and tartar properly, you can use a tool called an ultrasonic scaler. these types of growths on these bacteria can be the main cause of gum disease.

Plaque that has stuck to the teeth and hardens for a long time can turn yellowish, brownish in color, and at worst can turn black. The visible color of the plaque makes the teeth look dull and seem less well-maintained.

After scaling, the dentist will usually clean and polish the teeth using a rotating brush with toothpaste slowly. This can help treat and prevent ongoing gum disease.

4. Sealant

Sealants are medical procedures for dental care that are safe and performed without causing pain. The main purpose of sealants is to protect teeth from tooth decay that gets worse over time.

Sealants are made of a protective layer of plastic that is applied to the bite surfaces of the back teeth, molars and premolar teeth. Sealants function to prevent food and bacteria from entering the small crevices in the teeth that can cause tooth decay.

Because the back teeth, molars, and premolar teeth have small holes or gaps on the surface of the bite, this can easily bring bacteria into between the teeth.

This medical procedure is generally also used by children from an early age, so it can reduce the risk of damage to permanent teeth as they become adults.

5. Root Canal

This root canal procedure, also known as endodontic, aims to replace the pulp of a tooth that is damaged or infected by a tooth filling.

The dental pulp or nerves are sensitive tissues that work to provide oxygen, nutrients, and flavor to your teeth.

Severe decay or injury to the mouth and teeth can cause permanent pulp damage. At worst, the color of the teeth can turn dark, indicating that the nerves of the teeth have died as a result of the damage received.

A pulp that is infected and spreads through the root system of the tooth can eventually cause an abscess. Symptoms of an abscess that you can feel are pain and tenderness when you bite food or chew something.

The damaged pulp will be removed from the tooth through a dentist procedure, then the dentist will dry and fill the root canal and cover the tooth with a filling or dental crown to prevent further infection.

6. Dental implants

Implants are safe dental care. You need to take care of it like natural teeth so that it holds up well for a very long time and can become permanent if possible.

Dental implants are usually used to support one or more dentures that have been placed. The implants used are usually titanium screws that can replace the roots of the teeth when they break down later.

If dental implants are not properly cared for, they can cause gum infection, bleeding, pain, and discomfort in the mouth.

7. Dental Crown

Dental crowns are used to cover all teeth which can be made of porcelain, porcelain and metal, or just metal.

This dental treatment is very appropriate for repairing teeth that are broken, rotten or have weakened due to damage to the inner teeth. Dental crowns can also be selected as a medical procedure to make your teeth look better in order to increase your confidence.

8. Veneer

Veneer is a thin layer of porcelain that is made right against the front surface of the tooth.

You can choose the right porcelain color that can give you a discoloration to brighten your teeth.
The purpose of these veneers is to improve the shape, color and position of the teeth.

The veneer procedure can also be used to close small gaps in teeth. Veneers cover the entire front of the tooth to replace any broken or missing parts.

9. Bridge

The gaps in the teeth can allow food debris to enter easily. And it’s can leave bacteria that cause tooth decay and your gum disease. Using a dental bridge can close and support the gaps or gaps in your tooth space.

This dental bridge installation procedure is used when the number of teeth to be replaced. Is only a few or when only one tooth is missing on the side of the mouth.

10. Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening in the standard way can be done with several visits to the dentist. Besides that, you also need to wear a mouth guard containing whitening gel while at home. This medical procedure aims to make your teeth whiter.

Choose the types of dental care that is right for you, and don’t forget to often consult your dentist. You can visit us in Smile By Sulastry if you think there is a problem in your teeth. Please contact us, and we will be happy to serve you.

References :

How to maintain dental and oral health and its benefits

How to maintain dental and oral health and its benefits

Benefits of Maintaining Dental and Oral Health – Troubled teeth and mouth can cause serious complications, not only teeth and mouth but also throughout the body. Therefore, it is important that you always maintain the health of teeth and mouth so that the overall health of the body is also maintained.

The mouth is the gateway to the health of the body. If the mouth is unhealthy, the body can be unhealthy. Likewise, when the body is unhealthy, it is not uncommon for symptoms to see in the mouth. Some diseases of the body are associated with dental and oral health. Heart and lung diseases, for example. People with dental and oral diseases are not at risk of cardiovascular disease and pneumonia. Therefore, health and hygiene in the teeth and mouth are important to maintaining.

Here are some ways to maintain healthy teeth and mouth. Some people think that by brushing their teeth 2 times s a day alone is enough to maintain the health and hygiene of this and mouth. In fact, the reality is not so. Here are some of the ways below are also no less important for you to How to maintain dental and oral health and its benefits apply so that dental and oral health can be maintained to the maximum including:

1. Do not carelessly choose toothpaste and toothbrushes

In addition to brushing your teeth regularly. You are also advised not to origin in choosing toothpaste. Choose toothpaste that contains fluoride. These chemicals are believed to help strengthen and prevent cavities.
In addition, toothbrushes need to be changed every 3-4 months, it is recommended to choose a toothbrush with an oblong and small head and a smooth bristle brush. Toothbrushes like this are more able to reach areas in the corners of the mouth and do not cause gum pain.

2. Clean between teeth with dental floss

Even if you have brushed your teeth, sometimes there is still leftover food in between the teeth that the mouth to reach by the toothbrush. Well to clean it, you can use dental floss.
Routine cleaning of teeth with flossing can reduce the amount of plaque and bacteria that cause cavities. However, do flossing carefully so that your gums do not get hurt and bleed.

3. Don’t Smoke

In addition to being harmful to health, smoking can also cause problems with mouth and teeth, such as bad breath. The buildup of plaque and tartar, as well as discoloration of teeth. Smoking can also increase the risk of gingivitis and oral cancer.
In order to maintain dental and oral health, you should immediately stop this bad habit, you can try to change the habit by chewing gum. Chewing gum, especially nicotine gum, can help you quit smoking.

Not only that, chewing sugar-free gum after each meal can also increase saliva production so that it can help rinse the mouth from food waste and bacteria.

4. Gargle with mouthwash regularly

There are still not many people who regularly snore with mouthwash to maintain health and hygiene of teeth and mouth. In fact, this way is easy to do and has been proven to make teeth and mouth cleaner.

In addition, mouthwash can also help reduce bad breath and make your breath fresher for less than 12 hours.

Benefits of Maintaining Dental and Oral Health
In addition to keeping your teeth and mouth healthy, regularly maintain the health and hygiene of your teeth and mouth can also improve your overall health, both physical and mental health.
Here are the benefits of maintaining dental and oral health for the overall health of the body.

1. Improve brain memory
2. Increase confidence
3. Lower the risk of caddiovascular disease, such as stroke and coronary heart disease.
4. Lower the risk of developing respiratory tract infections, such as pneumonia
5. Lower the risk of the appearance of autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis
6. Lower the risk of pregnant women giving birth prematurely

Maintaining the cleanliness and health of our teeth and mouth is very important to maintain our overall health. So, do not forget to brush your teeth, floss with dental floss, and gargle with mouthwash after eating.

Besides maintaining oral hygiene, you should also pay attention to the cleanliness of the food you consume and the cleanliness of your hands when eating. Free, when your mouth is clean but disease germs enter your body through food or dirty hands?

You are also advised to go to the dentist every 6 months. In addition to checking the health of your teeth and mouth, the dentist can also clean plaque that is located deep and difficult to clean just by brushing your teeth.

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American Dental Association (2019). Oral Health Topics. Mouthwash (Mouthrinse).

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NHS UK. Chewing Gum Health Scare.

NHS UK (2018). How to Keep Your Teeth Clean.

Stewart, K. Everyday Health (2011). To Mouthwash or Not to Mouthwash?

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Cafasso, J. Healthline (2018). What Is Fluoride, and Is It Safe?

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West, H. Healthline (2016). Chewing Gum: Good or Bad?

Mayo Clinic (2019). Oral Health: A Window to Your Overall Health.

WebMD (2019). The Mouth-Body Connection: 6 Ways Oral Hygiene Helps Keep You Well.

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